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1,320 results found

Crick Framework: a systematic description of the potential for the use of Earth Observation in habitat mapping

The Crick Framework provides a way to categorise how well Earth Observation (EO) techniques can be used to identify particular habitats and features on the ground and detailed information on what...

Extractive Materials Management Statement Summaries - Corporate Entities Only

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA203. Extractive Materials Management Statements are sent in by operators of mines and quarries to demonstrate that extractive materials produced on...

Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: south west of South Uist

This map covers the area in the north of The Sound of Barra, at the south-western end of South Uist.The Sound of Barra has been selected as a possible Special Area of Conservation (pSAC) on the...

Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: south east of South Uist

This map covers the area in the north of The Sound of Barra, at the south-eastern end of South Uist. The Sound of Barrahas been selected as a possible Special Area of Conservation (pSAC) on the...

Nitrous oxide emission factors of mineral fertilisers in the UK and Ireland (1999-2019)

Data from 38 experimental sites across the UK and Ireland were collated resulting in 623 separate mineral fertiliser N2O emission factors (EF) estimates derived from field measurements. Data were...

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions. Also included are meta-data that describe the experimental conditions. The conditions were...

Mining hazard (not including coal) in Great Britain

The dataset indicates the potential for hazard in Great Britain as a result of mineral extraction. It excludes areas of Coal mining as these are covered by the Coal Authority. It is based on a...


Development which would involve the loss of existing formal open space, informal open space, allotments or amenity land will not be permitted unless conditions as defined in 2003 Local Plan have...

Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans

Number of areas designated by the relevant local authority for Neighbourhood Plans #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is a count of communities that have applied and been designated...

Boundaries of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) of Great Britain (including offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Protection Area boundaries in Great Britain (including offshore areas), **last updated on 30 September 2022**. The date of the latest update to...

Species point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

Habitat point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi GPS data from Nightingale and Inaccessible islands, Tristan da Cunha, 2016

Darwin Plus Project 053 The dataset is under Embargo until data analysis has been completed and ready...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of sublittoral habitats and their associated biota in the Firth of Lorn: biotopes

Methodologies for broad scale mapping of sublittoral habitats and biota based on acoustic remote sensing was developed as the Broadscale Mapping Project (BMP), a three year project funded by a...

Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: north east of Barra

This map covers the area in the south of The Sound of Barra, at the northeastern corner of Barra (from Traigh Mhor to near Loch Obe). The Sound of Barra has been selected as a possible Special Area...

Historic Landfill Sites

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

Country Parks (England)

More than 400 Country Parks exist. They are public green spaces often at the edge of urban areas which provide places to enjoy the outdoors and experience nature in an informal semi-rural park...

WWNP Woodland Constraints

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Historic Flood Map

The Historic Flood Map is a GIS layer showing the maximum extent of individual Recorded Flood Outlines from river, the sea and groundwater springs that meet a set criteria. It shows areas of land...

Recorded Flood Outlines

Recorded Flood Outlines is a GIS layer which shows all our records of historic flooding from rivers, the sea, groundwater and surface water. Each individual Recorded Flood Outline contains a...