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1,046 results found

Total Non-management vacants - undergoing works, awaiting works, to be sold, awaiting demolition, other (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Total Management vacants - To be let after minor repairs (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Total Management vacants - Available for letting (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Expenditure on local authority owned dwellings that received other "Capital" works - acquisitions - Supported Housing

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Business Appointment Rules Advice - July to September 21

This page provides information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the Northern Ireland Office. It covers former staff at senior civil service levels SCS1 and...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Business Appointment Rules Advice - April to June 21

This page provides information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the Northern Ireland Office. It covers former staff at senior civil service levels SCS1 and...

Operational Hubs data standard controlled list

This is the controlled list of the 3 Environment Agency Operational Hubs and is the standard list for re-use across the Agency. An operational hub is a grouping of geographically linked Areas,...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Financial Databases

All financial transactions processed and held in Open Accounts and Ebis. List of holders of leased cars. List of all allocated mobile phones. List of assets owned by Cafcass. List of users of...

Under 75 mortality rate from cancer (NHSOF 1.4)

Directly standardised mortality rate from cancer for people aged under 75, per 100,000 population. Purpose To ensure that the NHS is held to account for doing all that it can to prevent deaths...

CAP Scheme Payments including the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) made to UK beneficiaries 2009

Amounts received by UK beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The information is published annually (30th April) to meet the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No...

National Forest Estate Subcompartments England 2019

All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

Species point records from 1995 MNCR Cardigan and Tremadoc Bays sediment sampling trial

This survey is an evaluation survey taking into account 625, 626, 627 and 628. All 8 sites are duplicated sites from these surveys however the habitat records are unique to survey 631 but are not...

Habitat point records from 1995 MNCR Cardigan and Tremadoc Bays sediment sampling trial

This survey is an evaluation survey taking into account 625, 626, 627 and 628. All 8 sites are duplicated sites from these surveys however the habitat records are unique to survey 631 but are not...

Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease (NHSOF 1.3)

Directly standardised mortality rate from liver disease for people aged under 75, per 100,000 population. Purpose To ensure that the NHS is held to account for doing all that it can to prevent...

Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease (NHSOF 1.2)

Directly standardised mortality rate from respiratory disease for people aged under 75, per 100,000 population. Purpose To ensure that the NHS is held to account for doing all that it can to...

Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular disease (NHSOF 1.1)

Directly standardised mortality rate from cardiovascular disease for people aged under 75, per 100,000 population. Purpose To ensure that the NHS is held to account for doing all that it can to...

GCSE and Equivalent Results in England, 2009/10 (Provisional)

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides the earliest information on the overall achievements of young people in GCSE examinations and other accredited qualifications in 2009/10. The...

Local Authority benefit expenditure

Total expenditure by Local Authorities on key benefits: Attendance Allowance, Bereavement Benefit/Widow's Benefit Below State Pension Age, Bereavement Benefit/Widow's Benefit State Pension Age,...


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 18 Regulatory Account (Historical Cost Accounting) Profit and Loss Account for Year Ending 31 March

NI Water Regulatory Accounts Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Regulatory Accounts Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 2019 2020