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1,486 results found

Young People's Open Spaces

Young people's open spaces (play areas) in York. For further information please visit [City of York Council's website]( *Please note that the data published...

Bradford Council grants

We are committed to transparency in what we spend and publish details of our grant awards on an annual basis. This information is subject to continuous review and improvement. If you have any...

Norfolk County Council - Contracts and grants register

Contracts and grants register Find out more about the details of this report...

Combined Online Information System

The Combined Online Information System (COINS) is a database about UK Government expenditure, collecting financial data from across the public sector, but not down to transaction level. COINS...

Living Wage compliant contracts

Since September 2015 Leicester City Council is accredited by the Living Wage Foundation (LWF) as a Living Wage Employer.  We pay the LWF Living Wage to directly employed staff, including agency...

Payments Over £500 to East Devon District Council

East Devon District Council’s monthly supplier spend for all items over £500 for the current financial year. Where items are shown for less than £500 this is where part of a payment is separately...

Uttlesford Brownfield Land Register

The Government's Housing and Planning Act (May 2016) requires that we must maintain and publish a register of brownfield land. The Uttlesford Brownfield Land Register is a list of previously...

Business Rates new liabilities

This dataset is now discontinued. As of September 2018, we are able to include date of liability/occupation in our Business Rates Full List and we will no longer be publishing a separate New...

Climate Change Agreements - Reduced Rate Certificates (RRC)

The Reduced Rate Certificate (RRC) report lists the name and addresses of all facilities that are covered by a Climate Change Agreement and the period for which they are covered by an agreement. ...

WFD Catchment Management Information England - RBDs and Catchments Cycle 2 - River Basin Districts Cycle 2

This dataset sets out the different units used for managing the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and basic information about water bodies, such as their classification and targets, but does not...

WFD Catchment Management Information England - Investigations

This dataset sets out the different units used for managing the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and basic information about water bodies, such as their classification and targets, but does not...

Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Forest Recreation Areas

A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). There are a number of Asset Types: - Vehicle: Purpose built and installed...

National Forest Estate Recreation Areas GB

A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). There are a number of Asset Types..... Vehicle - Purpose built and installed FC...

Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans

Number of areas designated by the relevant local authority for Neighbourhood Plans #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is a count of communities that have applied and been designated...

Local Development Plan: Open Space Protection Area - Argyll and Bute

Areas of valued open space, sports pitches and playing fields as identified in the Proposal Maps of the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015

Lost worker vs. tourism expenditure in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, the loss of expenditure in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ) due to both workers staying at home and tourists being unable or choosing not to visit has had a major impact...

South Lakeland District Council Business Rates

Full list of non-domestic properties in South Lakeland, Business Rates list showing the rateable value, any reliefs, annual charge and the properties occupied status. As of September 2018, we...

Sensory Support Survey - Results

City of York Council conducted a survey so we could hear from people who use sensory support services, and those who might need to in the future (and their families and carers). We hoped this would...

Town Centre Pavement Washing Programme

Street-scene are introducing a programme of Town Centre pavement washing including chewing gum removal and litter bin washing. This is in addition to the regular street cleaning we carry out daily...