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670 results found

UK Biodiversity Indicator B5a, Air pollution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B5a, Air pollution. The air pollutants - sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia - can contribute to acidification, and...

UKSeaMap 2016 broad-scale habitat map and confidence maps

UKSeaMap 2016 has been generated by JNCC and is a by-product of the 2013-2016 activities of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats 2013-2016 consortium. This dataset contains two products: a roughly 100 m*...

Ipswich Borough Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims where a payment has been made. Ipswich Borough Council operates a number of insurance policies in relation to council owned property and public liability etc. Note: These do not...

Species point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey

The survey was carried out as an extension intensive surveys of the River Yare earlier in 1987. Also, public concern over the inadequacy of sewage disposal facilities in the Yarmouth area. At...

Habitat point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey

The survey was carried out as an extension intensive surveys of the River Yare earlier in 1987. Also, public concern over the inadequacy of sewage disposal facilities in the Yarmouth area. At...

Habitat point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Enviornmental Permit Sites

Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, local authorities must regulate certain types of industry and other activities such as dry cleaners. This is to reduce any...

Environmental Permitting Sites

Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, local authorities must regulate certain types of industry and other activities such as dry cleaners. This is to reduce any...

Right to Buy sales, England, by Local Authority area

These statistics relate only to sales by local authorities under the Right to Buy scheme and exclude sales by Private Registered Providers (PRPs) under preserved Right to Buy. Sales by PRPs are...

Right to Buy funded starts on site and acquisitions, England, by Local Authority area

These statistics are quarterly and relate only to starts on site and acquistions made by local authorities under the Right to Buy scheme and exclude starts and aquisitions made by the Homes and...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Smoke Control Orders

Smoke Control Areas help to control emissions from domestic chimneys caused by the burning of coal and wood. Only authorised smokeless fuels are allowed to be used within a Smoke Control Area. Some...

Contaminated Land

The data represents the sites that have been officially determined as 'Contaminated Land' in Cornwall, under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Sites are only determined as...

Species point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

UK Ramsar adverse factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

Wild Bird General Licence Protected Sites Condition Zone (England)

Special Protection Areas where condition 5 on General Licences GL40, GL41, GL42 applies. In these areas, licence users may carry out general licence activity provided that they do not disturb the...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses (Wales) - Chemistry

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA162.2 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Chemistry (Wales). The General Quality Assessment (GQA) Headline Indicator scheme or...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Chemistry

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA162.1 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Chemistry - GQAHI (England)'. The General Quality Assessment (GQA) Headline Indicator...

Climate model data presented in manuscript "The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse" by Matero et al. (2017) NERC doctoral training grant NE/L002574/1

General circulation model (HadCM3) output of the study by Matero et al. (2017) “The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse. Data has been processed into netCDF4 - timeseries,...

December Survey of Agriculture, UK

The December survey of Agriculture provides information and evidence on the condition of the agricultural industry in the UK. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

Crown Prosecution Service

Conditional Cautioning was brought in by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and is operated under a statutory Code of Practice. The Code of Practice requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue...