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Spend over £25,000 in Milton Keynes Primary Care Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Milton Keynes Primary Care Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Spend over £25,000 in Wakefield District Primary Care Trust

Spend over £25,000 in Wakefield District Primary Care Trust

Spend over £25,000 in Shropshire County Primary Care Trust

A monthly list of all financial transactions with suppliers and external contractors where the value exceeds £25,000 made by the department, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency...

Spend over £25,000 in Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure

Spend over £25,000 in Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Pennine Care NHS FT, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure

Safety in Custody

Data on assaults, self-harm and assaults in prisons in England and Wales. Headline figures produced quarterly with more detailed figures produced annually in April.

Covid 19 - Support to providers

Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) has been published annually since 2010-11, and draws on data from a number of collections. The ASCOF Handbook of Definitions, published by the...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): Admitted patient care - diagnoses

Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) is a data warehouse containing records of all patients admitted to NHS hospitals in England. It contains details of every hospital stay in English NHS Hospitals...

Local Authorities in England & Wales (for health & social care reporting)

Local Authorities in England and Wales Contains: A standard set of unique identification codes for all Local Authorities across England and Wales.

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England

The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey is an annual survey for England that has taken place since 2010-11. Service users were sent questionnaires, issued by Councils with Adult...

Community Care Statistics: Grant Funded Services for Adults, England

This report presents information on the number of people who are helped to live more independently in their own homes as a result of schemes provided by voluntary and other organisations in the...

Admission of full-term babies to neonatal care (NHSOF 5.5)

The number of full-term babies (gestation greater than 36 weeks) admitted within 28 days of birth to a neonatal unit, expressed as a percentage of all full-term births. Purpose This indicator...

Hip fracture: care process composite indicator (CCGOIS 3.18)

Of people aged 60 and over with hip fracture, the percentage who receive all nine of the agreed best practice standards, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Dec-16 Next version...

Third sector engagement and participation in the learning and skills sector: quantative research

Data gathered from an online self-completion survey of Third Sector providers. The survey looked at the nature and extent of Third Sector involvement and participation in the learning and skills...

Fatal Incident Investigation Full Information System (Prisons and Probation Ombudsmen)

Contains details of deaths of both natural causes and self inflicted under the following headings: details of death, offence and sentence history, demographic information, arrival at this prison....

Local authority and school expenditure on education, children and young people’s services and social care

This SFR provides details on how local authorities spent their funding on their education, children and young people's services and social care responsibilities. It also includes the latest...

Financial reports on Local Authority planned budgets for their education and children's social care functions:

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care budget statement. These...

Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System Third Update Bulletin

The Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitorting System comprises a basket of indicators to assess area differences in mortality, morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care...

NI 100 - Children in care reaching level 4 in Maths at Key Stage 2.

Number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 6 (key stage 2) and who achieved at least level 4 in Maths against the total number of looked after children...