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Members expenses 2019 - 2022

Elected Members, including the City Mayor, are paid an annual allowance in exchange for the time and expenses they incur on council business.This dataset contains details of expenses paid following...

Patient experience of outpatient services (NHSOF 4.1)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Outpatient Survey. Purpose This indicator aims to capture the experience of patients who have...

London Views Management Framework (LVMF) – Extended background vistas

Statutory consultation arrangements for developments that might affect a Protected Vista are prescribed by the Secretary of State and reproduced in the Mayor of London’s LVMF...

Species point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh survey

Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh lie on the Scottish west coast, to the east of Skye. They were surveyed in 1988 as part of a major survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Duich is a long narrow loch with...

Habitat point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh survey

Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh lie on the Scottish west coast, to the east of Skye. They were surveyed in 1988 as part of a major survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Duich is a long narrow loch with...

Local Area Labour Market

Presents a number of different indicators to give an overall picture of the labour market of local areas. Includes statistics relating to the employment, unemployment and benefit dependency of the...

Women’s experience of maternity services (NHSOF 4.5)

Patient experience of maternity services measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Maternity Services Survey. Purpose This indicator aims to capture the...

Species point records from 1997 MNCR south Isle of Wight sublittoral survey

The survey area sampled was within the boundary of the South Isle of Wight (maritime) Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Survey sites were selected to ground truth the acoustic RoxAnn habitat maps...

Habitat point records from 1997 MNCR south Isle of Wight sublittoral survey

The survey area sampled was within the boundary of the South Isle of Wight (maritime) Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Survey sites were selected to ground truth the acoustic RoxAnn habitat maps...

Patient experience of A&E services (NHSOF 4.3)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department Survey. Purpose This indicator aims to capture the...

Patient experience of hospital care (NHSOF 4b)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey looking at a range of elements of hospital care. Purpose This indicator aims to...

Patient experience of community mental health services (NHSOF 4.7)

This indicator measures patient experience of community mental health services based on selected questions from the National Community Mental Health Survey. Purpose This indicator aims to capture...

Responsiveness to inpatients’ personal needs (NHSOF 4.2)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey focussing on the responsiveness to personal needs. Purpose Consultation feedback...

Emergency admissions for children with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) (NHSOF 3.2)

This indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital of children with selected types of lower respiratory tract infections (bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia and...

Excess Winter Deaths

The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWD Index) shows excess winter deaths as a Percentage Ratio of the number of deaths expected in the (eight) warmer months either side of Winter (01 December to 31...

Benthic macrofaunal abundance data from the Western North Sea collected from 2000 to 2002

Data contains the abundance of macrofauna in benthic samples obtained from 0.1m2 Hamon or Day grab samples conducted by Cefas in the Western North Sea between 2000-2002. Sampling occurred mainly...

Species point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...

Habitat point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...