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733 results found

National (Great Britain) Recharge Model climate change runs - 11 regional climate models

The data are the gridded recharge values obtained from the BGS distributed recharge model (ZOODRM) driven by 11 Ensembles of the HaDCM3 Regional Climate Model (RCM) taken from the Future Flow and...

% of non-frequent scheduled bus services (fewer than 6 buses per hour) running on time (DfT measure - BUS0902) (LI 22a)

% of non-frequent scheduled bus services (fewer than 6 buses per hour) running on time (DfT measure - BUS0902) (LI 22a) *This indicator has been discontinued

QUEST GSI (Global Scale Impacts of Climate Change): Climate, run-off and aquatic model simulations

QUEST GSI was led by Nigel Arnell (University of Reading) with co-investigators from the Universities of Aberdeen, Leeds, UEA, Edinburgh, Southampton, UCL, London School of Hygiene and Tropical...

QUEST GSI (Global Scale Impacts of Climate Change): Climate, run-off and aquatic model simulations

QUEST GSI was led by Nigel Arnell (University of Reading) with co-investigators from the Universities of Aberdeen, Leeds, UEA, Edinburgh, Southampton, UCL, London School of Hygiene and Tropical...

Warm Front Scheme on eBS run by EAGA plc

Personal information of individuals receiving grant payments under the warm front scheme

Input data and settings for running a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin, Spain, 1990-2012

This dataset contains the input data and settings needed to run a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin in Spain. The input data include: an elevation model of the catchment, flow...

1991 - 2014 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Ecosystem model (ecopath with ecosim) Key Run for North Sea 1991-2013 - time series trends in biomass

Model outputs of time series data on the biomass, catch, mortality and feeding from 69 ecological groups in the North Sea, ranging from zooplankton, benthos, fish to seabirds and marine mammals....

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 2 data run by Buildings Research Establishment

The LCBP-2 database is the main operating tool for the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase-2. Operations are essentially electronic and applications, evaluation, due diligence, issuance of Grant...

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 householders data run by Buildings Research Establishment

Operations are essentially electronic, but paper files are held in tandem to live files on the database. Data from the online application system is exported on a daily basis into excel spreadsheet...

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 other streams data run by Buildings Research Establishment

The LCBP-1 Communities database holds all data for Communities streams applications, grant offers and claims. The LCBP-1 Stream 2A database holds all data for Stream 2A applications, grant offers...

RONOCO (ROle of Nighttime chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity of the AtmOsphere): In-situ airborne atmospheric chemistry and air quality unified model runs output

Atmospheric chemistry measurements were made during a series of campaign flights by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements' (FAAM) BAE-146 research aircraft as part of the NERC funded...

RONOCO (ROle of Nighttime chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity of the AtmOsphere): In-situ airborne atmospheric chemistry and air quality unified model runs output

Atmospheric chemistry measurements were made during a series of campaign flights by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements' (FAAM) BAE-146 research aircraft as part of the NERC funded...

Strava Heat Map

Find out the most popular cycling routes and running routes across North Yorkshire and the world. This is a useful website to show where the most popular cycling and running routes are in your...

Business Improvement District - Ipswich

Ipswich Central is the company responsible for running the town centre Business Improvement District (BID). The BID allows an additional rate levy to be charged to businesses in a defined...

Apatite as a quantitative tool for tephrochronology and magmatic evolution (NERC grant NE/K003852/1)

Documentation of experiments run to investigate partitioning of H-C-F-Cl (Hydrogen, Carbon, fluorine, Chlorine) in the system apatite-melt. Data include representative images of each experiment,...

Wolverhampton Allotments

Wolverhampton City Council Run Allotments

Public Toilets Tamworth

Public toilets run by Tamworth Borough Council.

Public Attitudes Tracker

This release provides headline findings from the Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT). The first Wave was carried out in March 2012. The survey runs three times a year with a subset of questions being...

2018 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust (SWRFT) Wester Ross benthic camera survey

Dropdown video survey of benthic habitats off Melvaig, Wester Ross, run by SNH and SWRFT for both organisations on the 26th February 2018 using the vessel FV Zephyr. The aim of the investigation...

2018 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust (SWRFT) Wester Ross benthic camera survey

Dropdown video survey of benthic habitats off Melvaig, Wester Ross, run by SNH and SWRFT for both organisations on the 26th February 2018 using the vessel FV Zephyr. The aim of the investigation...