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Halton Local Nature Reserves

Dataset showing Local Nature Reserves within the Councils administrative area. Areas recorded as polygons

Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Sites of importance for nature conservation (SINC) in York. For further information please visit [City of York Council's website]( *Please note that...

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

AONBs are designated areas where protection is afforded to protect and manage the areas for visitors and local residents.

Natural Landscape Character WL

Natural Landscape Character WL

Site Information for Natures Conservation

Dataset shows areas within the London Borough of Lewisham as SINC Locations

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Sites Nature Conservation Interest

Sites Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI). Designations used by local authorities in England for sites of substantive local nature conservation and geological value. Upon accessing this Licensed...

Areas Outstanding Natural Beauty

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as designated in the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Natural Capital Account for London

This is the first natural capital account for London, and was supported by the Mayor of London, the National Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund. The natural capital account assesses the economic...

Site of Importance for Nature Conservation

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINCs) within the London Borough of Sutton. SINCs are divided into Sites of Metropolitan Importance for...

Semi Natural Green Space

The purpose of the feature is to show the locations of Natural and Semi Natural Green Space in Bassetlaw.

Sheffield Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities. Parish and Town Councils...

Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) in the London Borough of Barnet as polygon features. SINCs are intended to provide protection for wildlife habitats. It is not a statutory...

Survey commissioned from The Renewable Energy Association Ltd of Non-Domestic Woodfuelled Biomass Boilers in England 2008, 2009 and 2010

Spatial dataset showing the names and locations of boiler installations and the nature of the boilers

MMO1097 Source noise literature review references and value table for Natural Sources

This dataset displays the natural source values used in the modelling of underwater noise (MMO1097).

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Mottey Meadows LTMNB43

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Mottey Meadows which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Monks Wood LTMNB16

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Monks Wood which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Downton Gorge LTMNB33

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Downton Gorge which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Epping Forest LTMNB34

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Epping Forest which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...