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Stocks of cereals held on farms, England and Wales

Presents data on the quantities of cereals held in stores in England and Wales. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Official and charity and receptions held at No10

Details of official and charity and receptions held at No10

Spreadsheet of Core and Cuttings held by GSNI

Spreadsheet listing a number of boreholes from Northern Ireland and the samples (core and cuttings) held in the GSNI core archive. Additional data associated with these wells are also noted and...

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers

Management information on children entering detention, held solely under the Immigration Act powers. Complements statistics published in the publication Control of Immigration

Permanent Milk Quota held by county and holding size

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains permanent Milk Quota held by county and holding size Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Cereals Stocks held by Ports, Co-operatives and Merchants

Provides levels of stocks of wheat, barley, oats and maize in port, co-operative and merchant stores in the UK. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.

Plans of abandoned mines (coal & oil shale) for Scotland held on microfilm

The collection includes colour microfilm aperture card copies of 7,170 plans of mine workings for coal and oil shale dating from 1872 onwards deposited on abandonment of a mine in compliance with...

Foraging behaviour of Parus major held in temporary captivity

The data set describes foraging decisions by great tits (Parus major), held in temporary captivity. Data were collected from birds caught from forest at the University of Jyväskylä Research...

Jobs held by EEA-born workers earning less than £30,000 per year

This dataset estimate the number and percentage of jobs held by EEA born workers earning less than £30,000 per year in 2017 by industry in London. * The total number of jobs in London broken...

Further Education and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest Qualification Held

Previously published under the name "Post-16 Education", this Statistical First Release covers further education and skills, showing learner participation, outcomes and the level of the highest...

Information held by TMG Criminal Records Bureau

Name, address, contact details, date of birth, disclosure reference numbers.

Info held by Capita Recruitment Vetting Service.

Name, address, contact details, date of birth, disclosure reference numbers.

Computer-held summary of WPL IA 1

Electronic record of representations contained in Work Parking Levy (WPL) IA 1, with first half of postcode or area of home address and work location where given, and summary of whether...

Data Held In The BGS Laboratory Information Management System

The LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) holds information about the sample preparation and chemical analysis of samples (from internal and external customers) handled by the BGS...

Field notes from Iceland (NERC grant NE/P002331/1)

Direct geological observations made during field work, tied to positional information collected by hand-held GPS.

Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar system materials (NERC grant NE/L007428/1)

The data are magnesium (Mg) isotope composition, i.e. the relative difference of isotope ratios as defined in Coplen (2011, doi: 10.1002/rcm.5129). The reference was DSM-3 (see Galy et al., 2003,...

An index of borehole materials held by BGS from the Bowland Hodder geological unit

The dataset is a subset of the BGS borehole material database, created on August 1st 2015 covering only the Bowland-Hodder geological unit (as defined and mapped by Andrews et al., 2013). It shows...

2022, Apache, Solar and Corona Development Survey, Beryl Field, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1294

An oil and gas industry debris clearance, drilling hazard, semi-sub rig, environmental, pipeline/cable route, exploration drilling site survey acquired under licences P103, P139, P337, P2335,...

AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Climate Data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

The dataset contains climate data (Humidity, Rainfall, Rainfall Rate, Dewpoint, Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature, Wind Direction, Wind Gust, Wind Chill, Solar Radiation, Windspeed, Heat Index, UV...