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12,662 results found

Staff permanent promotions

Details of staff permanently promoted. Updated: annually.

National Archives - Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap Details - The National Archives

HM Revenue & Customs officials' meetings with tobacco stakeholders

Details of HMRC officials' meetings with tobacco stakeholders.

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

South West England Ward Forester Project Areas

The Ward Forester project is jointly funded by Devon County Council (DCC) and the Forestry Commission (FC) and is designed as a pilot to meet the need to bring woodland into management, engaging...

Felling Licence Applications For Highways England Land

Felling Licence Application (FLA) areas approved by Forestry Commission England. Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by the...

Staff Sickness Absence Reports

Details of rolling 12 months and monthly sickness absence.

Staff joiners and leavers data

Staffing details for joiners and leavers in HMRC. Updated: annually.

National Archives - customer satisfaction

Details of customer satisfaction recorded for National Archives

Apprentice contact list

Contact details, location and line manager for all apprentices

The National Archives - salaries over £58,200

Details of National Archives staff with salaries over £58,200

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report

This data relates to FCO Annual Report accounts.

Child Maintenance Appeals

The Appeals Tracking System is a small system used to assist the tracking of child maintenance appeals, Advanced Departures and Advanced Variations. Decision Appeals - Only specific decisions may...

Community Care Statistics: Home Help/care for Adults

The Statistical Report and Internet tables present information provided by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) relating to home care services purchased or provided during...

The National Archives - GPC spend data

Details of GPC spend for the National Archives from April 2011

FSA Core Tables Administration Budget

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Administration Budget

Staff Basic Pay Report

Detailed report showing staff in receipt of salary. Updated: quarterly.

Annual Leave reports

Detailed staffing report showing leave entitlement. Updated: annually.

National Archives Customer Feedback and Complaints: 2012-13

Details of Customer Feedback and Complaints - The National Archives Public Services

Labour Market Supplement (LMS) report

Details of staff receiving a LMS payment in HMRC. Updated: quarterly.