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DCMS Spend Approvals: 01 April 2012 – 30 September 2012

The follow data details where approvals have been given for exceptions to controls on five key categories of spending (ICT, Consultancy, Recruitment, Advertising and Marketing and Property). The...

Impact indicator: housing completions

Total number of housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total housing completions are reported by local authority and private building control organisations...

Impact indicator: housing starts

Total number of housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total housing starts are reported by local authority and private building control organisations after the...

MOD exceptions to spending controls for January to December 2020

Reports on departmental exemptions to spending controls (moratoria).

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2014

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2014. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2015

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2015. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2011

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2011. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

Eradication England - Ruddy Duck Control Operations and Counts

This dataset includes information on site visits carried out as part of the UK Ruddy Duck Eradication Programme which began in September 2005. It includes details of all visits, some of which were...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2013

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2013. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2010

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2010. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Controlled Plant Goods 2012

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection Statistics for Controlled Plant Goods 2012. Controlled goods are those which are subject to formal plant health controls when imported,...

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Black Grouse

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Serious Fraud Office

Five key areas of spend have been affected with freezes on: -All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement...

Seizures of Drugs in England and Wales

Presents figures for drug seizures made by law enforcement agencies in England and Wales. The statistics relate to all drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MDA), which divides drugs...

QICS Paper Gas migration pathways, controlling mechanisms and changes in sediment acoustic properties observed in a controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology to potentially mitigate global warming by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial facilities and power generation that escape...

Immigration Statistics: work

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

Immigration statistics: before entry

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

Accidents and Assaults Database

This is a database containing historical data of a sensitive nature i.e. Reported incidents of unacceptable customer behaviour. The Database is built on a small systems platform with access...

AIMS Structure

An asset used to control the flow of water Asset Sub-Types include: Control Gate, Draw Off Tower, Fish Pass, Hydrobrake, In Channel Stoplogs, Inspection Chamber, Jetty, Outfall, Screen, Spillway,...


Database owned by HSE Occupational Hygiene Unit and used to record surveys on the use and control of exposure to carcinogens in UK workplaces. Contains sensitive and commercial data.