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266 results found

Conservation biological control experiments data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop

This set of conservation biological control experiments data was collected as part of five field experiments investigating agricultural biological control techniques, particularly the effect of...

EPSRC Project: CONTAIN - The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes

The UK is committed to meeting stringent carbon dioxide emission targets over the next 35 years. One potentially valuable technology in achieving this target is the development of Carbon Capture...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping in the CO2CRC Otway Injection Site

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a promising means of directly lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of CO2 leakage are contributing to slow...

EPSRC Project: Process Intensification for Post-combustion Carbon Capture using Rotating Packed Bed through Systems Engineering Techniques

The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has caused huge concerns around the world, in particular because it is widely believed that the increase in its concentration in the atmosphere is...

EPSRC Project: Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a promising means of lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of harmful CO2 leakage are...

National Lung Cancer Audit 2011

Making clinical audit data transparent In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister restated the commitment to make clinical audit data...