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EPSRC project presentation: ORGMEMT - Organic Mixed Matrix Membrane Technologies for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, Cranfield Biannual, 21 April 2015

This presentation on the EPSRC project, Organic Mixed Matrix Membrane Technologies (ORGMEMT) for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, Cranfield Biannual, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15....

West Shetland Shelf Area rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

Approaches to the Firth of Forth and Wee Bankie to Gourdon Areas rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

WWNP Wider Catchment Woodland Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

WWNP Floodplain Reconnection Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Species point records from 1990-91 PML Tamar estuary littoral sediment survey

The study was carried out over two and a half years of the rates and processes of sediment-water exchange of nutrients and trace metals in samples taken from intertidal sites in the mid and lower...

Habitat point records from 1990-91 PML Tamar estuary littoral sediment survey

The study was carried out over two and a half years of the rates and processes of sediment-water exchange of nutrients and trace metals in samples taken from intertidal sites in the mid and lower...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Aggregate Dredging Licences Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of aggregate licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 5th...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Aggregate Dredging Licences Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the geographical extents of aggregate licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 5th...

Marine Management Organisation Legacy Aggregate Dredging Licences

This dataset contains the geographical extents of aggregate licenses issued by either the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) or its successor the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) up until 5th...

UK Visas and Immigration: migration and international operations

The number of decisions made within service standards in each quarter and compares these volumes with the overall number of decisions made on new cases and all cases. This includes all decisions on...

NI 188 - Planning to adapt to climate change

Self reported measure of action against climate change. Authorities should report the level they have reached as follows: Level 0: LA has not assessed and managed climate risks and opportunities,...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: provisional

Provisional figures for 1 year previous published in March, i.e. data for 2023 published in March 2024; Final figures for 2 years previous published in February, i.e data for 2022 published in...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project (C1-27) - 'Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on recycling real flue gas and vent gas of compression and purification units' - Methodologies and Data

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project (C1-27) - 'Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on recycling real flue gas and vent gas of compression and purification...

Data tables for the June 2010 Budget economic and fiscal forecast

These are the tables from Annex C of the June 2010 Budget delivered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 22 June 2010. They were created by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) as part of...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Enhanced operating flexibility and optimised off-design operation of coal plants with post-combustion capture

The inherent nature of electricity necessitates a permanent balance between generation and demand in electricity systems. This has obvious implications for the operation of CCS power plants in...

WWNP Runoff Attenuation Features 3.3% AEP

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

WWNP Runoff Attenuation Features 1% AEP

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Log data from West Shetland Shelf

Log data for Quarter 4 International Bottom Trawl Survey to the north and west of Scotland (shelf and slope) aboard the FRV Scotia. This was a Scottish Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) site...

MMO1064 Sailing Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Sailing activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer...