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Development Control Orders - Article 4

Shows Development Control Orders - Article 4

Scarborough Borough Council Development Limits

Extents of Development Limits in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

West Somerset Council - Development Line

A line around part or all of the towns and larger villages, within which particular development policies of the Local Plan apply.

Mendip District Council Development Limits

This dataset outlines Mendip District Councils development Limits A “Development Limit” is the edge of the area in which development is considered appropriate as part of the built up area....

Areas with Permitted Development Rights revoked

Article 4 Directions mean that certain Permitted Development (PD) Rights normally enjoyed by residents have been removed in order that the Council can exercise greater control over how features...

PlanMK 2016 - 2031 Development Boundary

City boundary for Milton Keynes. Taken from Milton Keynes Local Plan 2016 - 31

London Development Database SQL Extract

This is a copy of the final London Development Database. This is the entire LDD database exported as a .sql.tar using pg_dump. For information on how to use this file and details of the database...

Organisational Development Plans

Yorkshire and Humber Area Team Organisational Development Plans

Staff Development Records

Development Including Appraisal Results, Training History Training Needs Analysis

Formulations Research and Development

Development & validation of methods of analysis for pesticide formulations

Tuta absoluta development

Development of Tuta absoluta under UK glasshouse conditions

Development Control Area

Development Control Areas in Angus

Sustainable Development Indicators

These indicators provide an overview of progress toward a sustainable economy, society and environment. Published alongside the headline and supplementary indicators are assessments of change, both...

NI 170 - Previously developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than 5 years

Proportion of the area of developed land that is vacant or derelict. The total area of developed land is the area recorded for the relevant local authority for 2001 in the urban land figures...

NI 170 - Previously developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than 5 years

Proportion of the area of developed land that is vacant or derelict. The total area of developed land is the area recorded for the relevant local authority for 2001 in the urban land figures...

Local Development Plan: Potential Development Areas (PDAs) - Argyll and Bute

Potential Development Areas designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015. These are broad areas identified by this plan in the Proposal Maps. They are mainly, but not...

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones (Greenbelt) - Argyll and Bute

A Development Management Zone which, as designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, comprises a substantial area of countryside peripheral to the settlements of Cardross,...

Engineering and Asset Management

Includes monitoring, enforcement and policy development

Christchurch Borough Council Employment Development 2018

Christchurch Borough Council Employment Development 2018

Christchurch Borough Council Housing Development 2018

Christchurch Borough Council Housing Development 2018