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10,379 results found

Verifying the declared country of origin of timber using Stable Isotope and Trace Element (SITE) fingerprinting, to prevent illegal trade

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. This project aims to develop techniques and a reference data library that will enable verification of the declared origin of...

Permanent Forest Mensuration Sample Plot Network

Permanent forest mensuration sample plots that are re-measured every 5 or 10 years as part of a rolling annual programme. Data is collected from a sample of public and private woodland sites...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - Site condition monitoring information

Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the summary country and...

Severn Estuary High Tide Waterbird Roost Sites (Brean Down to Clevedon)

Identification of wintering waterbird high tide roosts on the Severn Estuary SSSI/SPA completed in four phases:Phase 1 includes the Brean Down to Clevedon stretch. Phases 2 & 3 were completed...

National Nature Reserve (NNR) areas outside Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Spreadsheet indicating the areas of National Nature Reserves (NNRs) in England (only those with some non-SSSI area), the areas outside the underlying Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and...

NI 197 Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented

Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented. Source: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs...

NI 197 - Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented

Improved Local Biodiversity proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented.

Ferry Terminal

The ferry and road network elements are linked together through a Ferry Terminal feature. A Ferry Terminal is a logical connection between the two networks and therefore there is no geometry...


A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). Vehicle - Purpose built and installed FC asset, or regularly used natural feature,...

Soil CO2 exchange data from the Alice Holt plantation tower (2012-2016)

These data give the approximately fortnightly measurements of soil CO2 efflux in the Straits Inclosure, Alice Holt Forest, Hampshire, UK. The site is a mature productive oak (Quercus robur L.)...

Pre-Build Address

The Pre-Build Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that will be able to receive mail, deliveries or services, where the property is either yet to be built but has been granted...

EWCO - NfC Ammonia Emissions Capture for SSSI Protection

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional point scoring for ammonia capture. There is no Additional Contribution for ammonia capture but EWCO supports action to...

Housing Delivery Programme Sites

Housing delivery programme sites in York

DDDC Brownfield Sites 2023

Brownfield Land Register in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak Park.

Derby City Brownfield Sites

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations set out a requirement for local authorities to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed (Brownfield) land...

DS - Strategic Site Allocations

Strategic Site Allocations polygons in the 2017 Local Plan in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

LandFill Sites and Buffer Zones

Areas of landfill within Wycombe District, with three buffer zones (up to 250 m), polygons

Shropshire Brownfield Site Register

The Government now requires all Local Authorities in England to produce a Brownfield Land Register for their area and to publish this by 31st December 2017

Local Significant Industrial Sites

Sites of particular importance for industrial and warehousing uses.

Sites of Special Scientific Importance

The sites of special scientific interest of Warrington Borough Council .. Captured as boundaries against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data...