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Local Nature Reserve

The Glodwick Lows Local Nature Reserve is a disused quarry on a steep hillside near Glodwick, Oldham. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Local Nature Reserves

Name, area and location of Local Nature Reserves within Plymouth as of November 2019

Marine Nature Conservation

Data showing the habitat point records from the 1993 Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) Plymouth survey training data at Bovisand Bay. One time snapshot from 1993, not expected to be...

Local Nature Reserves

Data showing location and boundaries of all Local Nature Reserves within Plymouth.

National Nature Reserve

National Nature Reserve (NNR). Established to protect the most significant areas of habitat and geological formations. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

Local Nature Reserve

Local Nature Reserve (LNR). For people and wildlife. They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed...

Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

Local Nature Reserve

Point table showing the location of Local Nature Reserves within the St Helens MBC boundary. The table fields include unique reference number and location name.

Department for Transport real time energy use

Real time electricity and natural gas consumption for the Department for Transport's headquarters building: Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London.

Marine Management Organisation Marine Nature Conservation Byelaws

This dataset displays areas subject to an MMO marine nature conservation byelaw. MMO byelaws prohibit or restrict specified activities in order to protect Marine conservation zones and European...

Natural England (NE) Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

Natural England (NE), one of Defra’s Arms Length bodies has published all Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend for the NE GPC’s. The data published includes transactions that have a single...

North Sea Oil Model

SAS based field microsimulation model used principally for forecasting North Sea oil and gas revenues. Includes survey data of oil and gas companies' production and expenditure, as well as...

North Sea Oil Model

SAS based field microsimulation model used principally for forecasting North Sea oil and gas revenues. Includes survey data of oil and gas companies' production and expenditure, as well as...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2010. LEGGI shows...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2011. LEGGI shows...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2012

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2012 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the interim version of the LEGGI 2012, which will be confirmed...

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)

Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga...

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)

St Albans City and District Council Natural and Semi-Natural Green Space

Maintained natural green and open spaces, includes commons and woodlands