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Habitat point records from 1993 WWA Severn estuary industral discharge pipe littoral survey

Invertebrate collections were made at 32 sites within a 6 ha area of inter-tidal mud sediments around the effulent outfall from Ashton paper mill; additional samples were collected for...

Species point records from 1991 MNCR Loch Long (Lochalsh) littoral survey

This rapid survey was undertaken to supplement observations from Loch Long in Connor 1989 (CSD Report 977, MNCR Report SR/010) and particulary to investigate distribution of species on hard...

Habitat point records from 1991 MNCR Loch Long (Lochalsh) littoral survey

This rapid survey was undertaken to supplement observations from Loch Long in Connor 1989 (CSD Report 977, MNCR Report SR/010) and particulary to investigate distribution of species on hard...

Crown Prosecution Service

Conditional Cautioning was brought in by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and is operated under a statutory Code of Practice. The Code of Practice requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue...

Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

UK Biodiversity Indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea. Change in relative abundance of large fishes is likely to affect marine ecosystems...

Total health gain as assessed by patients for elective procedures (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 3.1)

Total health gain from patients who reported an improvement in health status following an elective procedure. The four indicators cover groin hernia, hip replacements, knee replacements and...

Implementing the Government ICT Strategy - ICT Metrics

In March 2011, the Coalition Government set out a vision for Government ICT at the heart of delivery of efficient, cost-effective public services which are responsive to the needs of citizens and...

Dynamic reservoir-condition microtomography of reactive transport in complex carbonates: Effect of initial pore structure and initial brine pH in Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland Limestones.

A laboratory µ-CT scanner was used to image the dissolution of Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland limestones in the presence of CO2-acidified brine at reservoir conditions (10 MPa and 50 °C) at two...

UK Biodiversity Indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity. Spending is one way of assessing the priority that is given to...

Potential years of life lost (PYLL) from causes considered amenable to healthcare (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 1a)

The number of years of life lost by every 100,000 persons dying from a condition which is usually treatable, measured in a way which allows for comparisons between populations with different age...

Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills 1995

Seabird concentrations are especially vulnerable to oil pollution, and may become contaminated by oil wherever concentrations occur at sea, sometimes at considerable distance from the coast. This...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Industrial Sites Quarterly Summary

The Environmental Permitting Regulations amongst other things implement the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Directive (EC/61/96) in England and Wales. Facilities covered by this...

Contaminated Land Special Sites

Certain types of contaminated land (as described in Regulation 2 of the Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006 are required to be designated as special sites. The effect of this is that the...

Flood Risk - register of structures and features

This dataset is a register of structures and features that are considered to have a significant effect on flooding in Leicester.

Conservation measures for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset lists conservation measures that were taken (i.e. which are already being implemented) for the species during the 2008-2012 reporting period. This information formed part of the Tenth...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2010

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2016

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2012

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2015

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...