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253 results found

Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Cornwall South Coast

The Cornwall South Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey is part of a national programme funded by Historic England. The project was undertaken by Cornwall Archaeological Unit, Cornwall...

2016, Deep BV, West of Duddon Sands Offshore Wind Farm, Post-construction Bathymetric Survey (Survey 2, Crossing and Proximity Agreement)

Deep BV has been contracted by Dong Energy Ltd. to conduct several bathymetrical surveys at the West of Duddon Sands Windfarm (WDS01) in the East Irish Sea, United Kingdom. The surveys were...

Priority Marine Habitats of Wales: Saline Lagoons

UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority habitats cover a wide range of semi-natural habitat types, and were those that were identified as being the most threatened and requiring conservation...

Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) programme data set (2016 to present)

The Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) data set comprises hydrographic data, including measurements of temperature, salinity and currents,...

Abundance of weeds in lowland arable fields, 2006-2009 - RELU Management options for biodiverse farming

This data collection results from abundance surveys of 7 species of weeds in ca. 500 lowland arable fields in 49 farms over three years. Each field was divided into large grids of 20x20 metre...

Aboveground carbon density plots from a logged forest, Danum Valley, Borneo, 1992-2016

Data are presented for Above ground Carbon Density (ACD) estimated from a series of forest census surveys which took place from 1992- 2016 in a mixture of logged and unlogged tropical lowland...

Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry programme oceanographic data set

The Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry (SSB) data set comprises hydrographic data, including measurements of temperature, salinity and currents, complemented by bathymetric and meteorological data. The...

National Forest Estate Recreation Points GB

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Digital Archive from The Inner Humber Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project, 2019 to 2021

This collection comprises gis and spreadsheets from the Inner Humber Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project which was part of a national programme funded by Historic England. The...

Terrestrial Phase 1 Habitat Survey

This dataset holds comprehensive habitat cover data for the whole of Wales derived from a programme of field recording that was begun by the Wales Field Unit (WFU) of the Nature Conservancy...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of MSOAs in EW

The 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of middle layer super output areas (MSOA) in England and Wales is based on the 2011 RUC of output areas published in August 2013, and allows users to...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Wards in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2011 electoral wards / divisions. The 2011 rural-urban classification of electoral wards / divisions was released in August 2013. This product was sponsored...

Assessment of the “State” of the Demersal Fish Communities in UK waters

To date, OSPAR has largely been responsible for the development of an ecosystem approach to the management of marine natural resources within the convention area. Ten Ecological Quality Issues have...