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Duty owed, but no accommodation secured

This dataset contains numbers of households accepted by the authority as homeless and in priority need, but for which no accommodation has yet been secured. The term "Homelessness" is often...

Live traffic information from Highways England (previously Highways Agency)

Live traffic information data showing traffic information on the strategic road network in England, maintained by Highways England (previously called the Highways Agency). Update: 10th...

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 householders data run by Buildings Research Establishment

Operations are essentially electronic, but paper files are held in tandem to live files on the database. Data from the online application system is exported on a daily basis into excel spreadsheet...

Compilation of sediment core data from the glacial North Pacific, sourced from the literature. (NERC grant NE/N011716/1)

Collection of North Pacific core-top foraminifera census data. Grant abstract: The geological record offers an invaluable window into the different ways earth's climate can operate. The most recent...

National Public Transport Data Repository (NPTDR)

The NPTDR database contains a snapshot of every public transport journey in Great Britain for a selected week in October each year. Data is available for October 2004 to October 2011. This dataset...

NI 173 Flows on to Incapacity Benefits from employment

The proportion of the working population living in a local authority who move directly from employment to incapacity benefits (IB) each year. Source: Department for Work and Pensions...

Income Support (IS)

Income Support (IS) Claimants - people aged over 16 working less than 16 a week and having less money coming in than the law says they need to live...


The live tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or as a time series. These spreadsheets are mostely...

Right-to-buy total sales

Social Housing Sales incl right-to-buy. The total sales figures do not include sales and transfers between local authorities and Registered Providers, such as Large Scale Voluntary Transfers of...

Focus on Accident & Emergency (December 2013)

This one-off publication provides a compilation of Accident and Emergency (A&E) data in England, to give a broad picture of the patient journey through A&E. Multiple sources of A&E...

Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index 2007

The IDAOPI is a supplementary index that has accompanied the Index of Multiple Deprivation in 2004 and 2007. It shows the proportion of older people in a small area that are living in pension...

Place Survey

The Place Survey collects the views of people on a range of issues concerning the place they live. Its results are used to measure progress on National Indicators in the Local Performance...

UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report

The UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report provides information on UK progress towards implementation and use of the INSPIRE infrastructure. It is a statutory requirement for member states to...

DFID Statistics on International Development 2010

This annual report on the UK's international aid is published as "Statistics on International Development" (SID) , formerly known as "British Aid Statistics". SID provides information on the UK’s...

UK Ramsar human factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2013/2014

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2014/2015

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2012/2013

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Households in temporary accommodation per 1000 households, England, District

This dataset contains the numbers of households accommodated by local authorities per 1000 households, broken down by local authority. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to...

Homelessness Decisions , England, District

Decisions on whether a household is homeless and in priority need. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to people "sleeping rough". However, most of our statistics on...