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595 results found

NHS Workforce Statistics: Medical and Dental Staff

A detailed view of the NHS Medical and dental workforce including consultants, registrars and other doctors in training. Data for medical and dental staff are an annual snapshot of the number of...

1983 Alconbury Environmental Consultants, The Fleet, Dorset, Quadrat survey of Zostera and Ruppia

Survey “Holmes, N.T.H. 1983. The distribution of Zostera and Ruppia in the Fleet. Report to Nature Conservancy Council, Alconbury Environmental Consultants. A copy of the report is held at...

1991 Alconbury Environmental Consultants, The Fleet, Dorset, quadrat survey of Zostera and Ruppia

Survey run by N.T.H. Holmes for English Nature (Peterborough). All these records relate to "Holmes (1991) The Distribution of Zostera and Ruppia in the Fleet 1991". A copy of the report is held at...

Workforce Management Information - Department for Transport

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: quarterly data

These statistics will be based on the energy statistics in BEIS’s quarterly Energy Trends publications, and will enable trends in UK emissions to be monitored on a more regular basis. Each release...

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis. Source:...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Workforce Management Information - December 2021

Reports on departmental staff numbers and costs. Monthly management information on staff numbers for the Northern Ireland Office. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent...

Immigration Statistics: admissions

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

DESNZ: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

DSIT: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

Responsiveness to inpatients’ personal needs (NHSOF 4.2)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey focussing on the responsiveness to personal needs. Purpose Consultation feedback...

Areas with critical drainage problems

The Development Management Procedure Order (2015) requires that the Environment Agency is consulted on developments within Areas with Critical Drainage Problems (ACDPs). This layer displays the...

BEIS: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. From Q2 (Finance year 2020-21) BEIS will only publish a single csv format file...

Felling Licence Applications For Highways England Land

Felling Licence Application (FLA) areas approved by Forestry Commission England. Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by the...

Workforce Management Information - Department for Communities and Local Government

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Statutory duties placed on local government

Local authorities are bound by statute. Their functions are set out in numerous Acts of Parliament and many of these functions have associated legal duties. At no point in recent history has there...

NI 157c Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for other application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157b Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for minor application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157a Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for major application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...