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Children in Care: GCSE attainment

GCSE (or equivalent) performance of looked after children in year 11 compared with all children Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Children in Care: KS2 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 2 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 4 in English, Maths or Science compared with all children Source: Department for...

Children in Care: Substance misuse

Substance misuse of looked after children (looked after for at least twelve months) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and...

Children in Care: KS3 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 3 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 5 in English, Maths or Science compared with all children Source: Department for...

Care Leavers in education or employment

Number and percentage of former care leavers who were in education, training or employment on their 19th birthday, who were looked after on 1 April in their 17th year Source: Department for...

Economic activity of care leavers

Activity on 19th birthday of care leavers who were looked after three years previously Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Children in Care: Development assessments

Development assessments of pre-school looked after children, whether assessments up to date Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools...

Children in Care: KS1 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 1 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 2 in Reading, Maths or Writing compared with all children Source: Department for...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2015

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2014

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2013

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2012

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Excess winter deaths

The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWM Index) is the excess winter deaths expressed as a ratio of the expected deaths based on the non-winter death rate for the period 1.8.04 to 31.7.07 Source:...

Community Care Statistics: Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults

The Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care Project (RAP) was developed to provide a coherent set of National Statistics on adult community care. Community care is the process by which requests...

Doctors & Dentists Datamart (DDDM)

Earnings and expenses data (extracted from Self Assessment) together with indicators/identifiers provided by the HSC Information Centre for health and social care for sample of GPs and dentists....

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

Hospital Statistics

The Hospital Statistics publication shows activity data analysed by Programme of Care. Specialty tables covering both inpatients and outpatients along with a Key Points document showing...

Survey of Asbestos Workers by Health & Safety Laboratory (on behalf of HSE).

The survey provides data on health surveillance of licensed asbestos workers occupationally exposed to asbestos in order to monitor the effectiveness of regulations to control this. This includes...

Health and Safety Executive Prompt Payment Policy and Reporting of Performance

Health and Safety Executive - Prompt Payment Policy and Reporting of Performance

Care Trusts and Sites

NHS Care Trusts and Sites Contains: Care Trust and Care Trust Site data. Ecare.csv contains both parent organisations and sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and...