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NFPD: TraC (Transitional & Coastal waters) fish survey relational datasets

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the Transitional & coastal water fish surveys (NFPD) and is now retired. These products are Approved for Access under AfA347. The National...

Estimates of Station Usage

Figures are based on ticket sales data recorded in rail industry systems. These are estimates and users should read the accompanying report in order to understand the limitations of the dataset. 


Polygon covering the extent of The Wychwood Project (Oxfordshire). A registered charity (No. 1084259) that uses the focus of the Royal hunting Forest of Wychwood to encourage local people to...

Cambridgeshire Population Forecasts 2012

The Cambridgeshire Research Group produces population forecasts for Cambridgeshire. Forecasts are for the years 2016, 2021, 2026 and 2031. The figures presented here are a summary set and not for...

Cambridgeshire Population Forecasts 2012

The Cambridgeshire Research Group produces population forecasts for Cambridgeshire. Forecasts are for the years 2016, 2021, 2026 and 2031. The figures presented here are a summary set and not for...

Revised Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2019 Supply-Demand Data at Company Level 2020/21 to 2044/45

A water company’s water resources management plan (WRMP) is supported by a series of data tables. During the consultation on their plans the company produce draft water resource management plan...

Information for each Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) participant

The CRC Order 2013 provides for publication of information on the basis of participants' annual reports plus details submitted when they registered for the scheme. The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme...

Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingency) - CYC

Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingency) - CYC This measure gives an understanding of the planning process of the council's expenditure. It gives the...

JSNA Executive Summary 2019

A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a way local authorities, the NHS and other public sector partners work together to understand the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the...

Cambridgeshire Dwelling Stock Forecasts 2012

The Cambridgeshire Research Group produces dwelling stock forecasts for Cambridgeshire and its districts and wards. Forecasts are for the years 2016, 2021, 2026 and 2031. As always they are based...

City Intelligence Data Design Guidelines

A set of guidelines to help us all at the GLA understand the basic principles of data visualisation, provide some examples of good practice, working processes and links to tools we can all use. See...

Listed Buildings

This dataset contains the Listed Buildings within the City of London. Listed buildings are legally protected for their special architectural and/or historic interest. The older a building is, the...

Camden Population Growth 2016

This factsheet focuses on future population growth and changes in demographics, with data from the 2014 GLA population projections ‘Camden Development (capped average household size)’....

Public attitudes and behaviour – GLA poll results February 2022 Retrofitting

Representative survey of Londoners, to understand awareness of and attitudes towards retrofitting.   All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1122 adults....

Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot)

Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot). This measure gives the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) people employed directly by the council (excluding schools). It gives an...


Individual allotment plots captured as regions using Ordnance Survey MasterMap; attribution includes the allotment plot number and allotment site name. The data is maintained by the Parks and...

Gender inequality in health: Camden (May 2018)

This profile further explores health inequalities between men and women in Camden looking at the differences in demographics, life style risk factors and burden of ill health due to long term...

Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

This on-line Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is the evidence base for understanding population-level need in Barnet. It is designed to inform joined up decision making and commissioning by...

Local Plan Review Evidence Base

It is important that our strategy for the future development of the borough is based on an understanding of the characteristics that make Barnet what it is, and a knowledge of how it is likely to...


Article 4 Directions (Article 4s) captured as regions against Ordnance Survey MasterMap. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over a development is needed....