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Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit is available to help people pay their rent if they are on a low income. How much is paid depends on income and circumstances. The local council pays the benefit. The data includes...

Equality Advisory and Support Service - data relating to calls received

An external contact centre which helps individuals who feel they have been discriminated against or have a human rights issue. Applies the Equality Act to individual circumstances. The information...

Local population density of woodland birds from a manipulation experiment in Wytham Woods, Oxfordshire, UK 2021

This dataset contains information about local population densities of great tits, blue tits, marsh tits and nuthatches from a manipulation experiment. The time, location and bird species were...

Recordings of the discovery of novel food patches in common woodland birds in Wytham Woods, Oxfordshire, UK 2021

This dataset contains information about the recordings of great tits, blue tits, marsh tits and nuthatches discovering novel food patches in relation to manipulated local population densities (see...

Wild rodent tracking and gut microbiome data, Holly Hill, Wytham Woods, UK, 2018-2019

This data set is a combination of trapping data, tracking data, vegetation/habitat data and data on the gut microbiome composition of wild rodents caught in 4 ha study site in Holly Hill in Wytham...

Tree and shrub vegetation surveys in Monks Wood National Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire, England, 2005-2006

Vegetation surveys from 35 transects in 2005 and 34 transects in 2006, focusing on tree and shrub abundance and sizes, in Monks Wood National Nature Reserve (Cambridgeshire, England). The transects...

Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme

Underlying data for research paper which sets out several suggestions that will help those interested in developing a Neighbourhood Agreement approach in their local area. In particular it provides...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2013/2014

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2014/2015

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2012/2013

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants are people who become disabled before the age of 65. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Department for Work and Pensions...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Further Education for Benefit Claimants

Analysis of the role of training in improving the employment and earnings outcomes of learners and helping them off benefits, using BIS, DWP and HMRC shared data. Source agency: Business,...

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance (AA) is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely disabled, physically or mentally, that they need a great deal of help with personal care or supervision. AA...

Woodland predation shadow for waders

The data describes the potential area of impact of ‘significant’ areas of woodland upon breeding wading birds due to the predation shadow associated with the woodland. The purpose is to support...

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

This report presents findings from the carers’ module of the Continuous Household Survey (CHS), carried out over the year 1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009. The CHS provides a regular source of...

New Deal for Disabled People: Tabulation tool

New Deal for Disabled People is a programme of advice and practical support, which helps people move from disability and health-related benefits into paid employment. Taking part is on a voluntary...

Employment Retention and Advancement

The Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) scheme involved a study of different methods to help people stay in work and improve their career prospects including financial incentives known as...

Tree Preservation Orders

Trees and wooded areas protect under planning and conservation laws by Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders

Trees and wooded area protected under planning and conservation laws by Tree Preservation Orders