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352 results found

WFD River Water Bodies Cycle 1

WFD River Water Bodies Cycle 1 is a polyline Shapefile dataset collated as defined for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The river polylines were defined by using the...

WFD Artificial Water Management Catchments Cycle 2

Management Catchments are the geographical units for which action plans are drafted in implementing the Water framework Directive (WFD). The Artificial Water Management catchments are the groupings...

Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017

The Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017 is a list of the business-led IT-enabled innovation initiatives for April 2016 to March 2017. Innovation opportunities pass through a formally defined and...

Delayed transfers of care from hospital which are attributable to adult social care, per 100,000 population (New definition from 2017/18) - (Monthly Snapshot)

Delayed transfers of care from hospital which are attributable to adult social care, per 100,000 population (New definition from 2017/18) - (Monthly Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Council Register of Assets - Moray

Council Register of Assets (Moray). Section 94 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (the Act) requires public authorities to make available to members of the public a register of land...

Park and Ride

Car parks with connections to public transport that allow commuters and other people headed to city centres to leave their vehicles and transfer to a bus, rail system, or carpool for the remainder...

Pollution Inventory

There are eight downloadable files for this data; for the years 2013 to 2022 from the resource links. The Pollution Inventory (PI) has been developed to collate information on annual mass releases...

Newcastle Libraries opening times

Time each library opens and closes each day of the week. Data starts in 2004, with updated list every time the opening times of one library or more change. Note: some changes, especially in the...

Building on success: increasing higher education retention in London

**The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation to look at the reasons behind the non-continuation (drop-out) rate of undergraduates studying at London’s higher education institutions.** This...

Information Asset Delegation Database

To record delegation and transfer of Information Assets

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Investigating the radiative heat flux in small & large scale oxy-coal furnaces for CFD model development, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Investigating the radiative heat flux in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces for CFD model development and system scale up was presented at the CSLF...

Earthquake hazard from 36-Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer (NERC grant NE/I024127/1)

Data derived from NERC grant NE/I024127/1 1) 36Cl data and supporting chemistry. This folder contains the 36Cl concentration data, data on sample locations on fault planes, major and trace element...

FRS Households Below Average Income (HBAI)

Produce small area income estimates also for investigating the feasibility of transferring SILC to FRS

Heavy Goods Vehicle Case History

Technical information on authorized vehicle conversions. Information transferred to Vehicle Testing Goods 10 form

WFD Artificial Water Bodies Canal Cycle 1

WFD Artificial Water Bodies – Canals Cycle 1 is a polyline Shapefile dataset containing Water Framework Directive (WFD) attributes that have been collated as defined for the implementation of the...

Payroll Cost Data from E-ICS Payroll

List monthly payroll data for transferring to DSG accounts held on ERP system, analysis and forecasting purposes.

Waste disposal

Data on where waste has been disposed of (composting, incinerator, landfill) IMPORTANT CAVEATS: 1) The information provided is Municipal Waste not household waste. 2) HWRC Princes Drive,...

Contaminated Land Part IIA public register

A dataset of polygons with an attribute table that summarises the location and status of land recorded within the public register kept under the Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act...

Inter-Authority Agreement for Public Health

Inter-Authority Agreement for the Shared Public Health Service for Harrow and Barnet From 1 April 2013, Harrow Council became the host borough for the newly formed joint Public Health team for...

Council Asset Register - Scotland

This dataset is an amalgamation of all Scottish Council Asset Registers based (partly) on LAs Community Asset Transfer Registers and previous ePIMS submissions.