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Social Housing Stock by Local Authority and Private Registered Provider

The Statistical Data Return is an annual survey completed by all Private Registered Providers (PRPs) in England and includes data on size and type of home, location and rents over the year....

Local authority and school expenditure on education, children and young people’s services and social care

This SFR provides details on how local authorities spent their funding on their education, children and young people's services and social care responsibilities. It also includes the latest...

Financial reports on Local Authority planned budgets for their education and children's social care functions:

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care budget statement. These...

Households taking up your LA nominations to other non-social landlord dwellings

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Additional social rent dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding)

Additional social rent dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding). These include new builds and acquisitions by the Local Authority Source: Communities and Local...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

Social care locations

This is a report on the locations belonging to social care providers in England that are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Social care services

Social care services

Social care providers

This is a report of social care providers in England that are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Social Focus on Men

Provides an overview of the changing lives and roles of men in the UK. It provides information across a range of topics: men's family lives, their experience of education and work, their income and...

Social housing rents

Social housing rents Source: Housing Revenue Account (HRA), ODPM, Housing Corporation (HC) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office...

Focus on Social Inequalities

Describes the different experiences of social groups in the UK today in six key areas: education, work, income, living standards, health, and participation. Source agency: Office for National...

Social Capital Indicators

This paper describes ONS’s work on developing statistics on social capital in the UK. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language:...

VNTR frequency among randomly selected isolates of bTB from GB

VNTR frequency for each of 12 spoligotypes of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) (5387 randomly selected isolates one isolate per breakdown). Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

Doctors & Dentists Datamart (DDDM)

Earnings and expenses data (extracted from Self Assessment) together with indicators/identifiers provided by the HSC Information Centre for health and social care for sample of GPs and dentists....

Crime and Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)

Monthly and annual crime and ASB numbers and rates at ward and local authority area level calculated from figures supplied by North Yorkshire Police

Social and affordable housing allocations by nationality

Proportion of new social and affordable housing allocations by nationality

Social media usage by local government

A list of UK local authorities which are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Also includes those with RSS feeds, web development blogs and open data.

Qualified agency social worker spend

Total spent (excluding VAT) by Leeds City Council Adult Social Care on agency qualified social workers.