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Review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander announced in January 2012 that the Government would hold a review into the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The results of this Review,...

HMRC Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI)

The Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) is based on information held by HM Revenue and Customs tax offices on individuals who could be liable to UK tax. It is carried out annually by HMRC and covers...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of the sublittoral habitats and biota of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and the north Norfolk coasts - lifeforms and species presence

Sublittoral lifeforms and species presence map of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and north Norfolk coasts. This survey was one of three trial areas chosen for the Broadscale Mapping Project. The...

National Archives - Visitors

We currently collect data regarding the number of visitors to The National Archives. The link below provides a breakdown of these visitors. The number for readers represents the total number of...

Listed Buildings Point GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Listed Buildings, part of the National Heritage List for England. Listed buildings are represented by a single point in the centre of the building footprint. Listing marks...

CRoW Act 2000 - Access Layer

Shows land mapped as access land under CRoW. This includes Open Country and Registered Common Land combined into a single layer, with certain categories of excepted land removed. Attribution...

BEIS: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. From Q2 (Finance year 2020-21) BEIS will only publish a single csv format file...

National Forest Estate Roads England 2016

Compiled from Forest road network data managed by Forestry Civil Engineering. The data relates to forest road Classification. Forest Roads are categorised on the basis of intended usage (as...

UKTI tax arrangements for off-payroll appointees

UKTI details of all individuals engaged off payroll. The data shows: number of off-payroll engagements for those earning more than £220 per day and lasting more than 6 months duration, new...

Human Trafficking: National Referral Mechanism Statistics

The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support. The NRM is also the mechanism...

Cabinet Office Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Government has published the Business Plan Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) The QDS are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its...

Net CO2 exchange, evaporation and heat flux data from Alice Holt plantation tower (1999-2012)

Net CO2, evaporation and heat flux data have been collected at the Alice Holt Flux tower since 1999, these data are used in combination with the data set ‘Meteorological and climatological data...

Home range size and habitat availability data for 39 individual European nightjars on the Humberhead Peatlands NNR from 2015-2018

This dataset contains home range size, habitat availability and selection ratio data, calculated from GPS data fixes collected from individual European nightjars, in four concurrent years...

Long Term Monitoring Network - Vegetation Monitoring Plots

There are 37 sites in the LTMN project, each having 50 permanent vegetation monitoring plots (and 5 permanent soils monitoring plots). For the vegetation monitoring plots, the 50 no. 2m x 2m...

AddressBase Plus

For direct marketing teams: take your data analysis to the next level by referencing data to individual addresses (such as flats) rather than mail delivery points (houses divided into...

Managed Woodland Headline Performance Indicator England 30 June 2013

This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'. This Indicator...

Managed Woodland Headline Performance Indicator England 31 December 2013

This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'. This Indicator...

Managed Woodland Headline Performance Indicator England 31 December 2012

This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'. This Indicator...

Managed Woodland Headline Performance Indicator England 30 September 2012

This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'. This Indicator...

Managed Woodland Headline Performance Indicator England 30 June 2015

This data is the source dataset for the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Percentage of woodland in active management (including the Public Forest Estate)'. This Indicator...