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320 results found

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Multiscale characterisation of CO2 storage in the United Kingdom

This is a partnership between Imperial College London and the British Geological Survey in which we combine our expertise in pore scale digital rock physics (DRP), reservoir condition Special Core...

Activity data from common guillemots from the Isle of May during the 2005-2006 annual cycle

This dataset contains activity data from thirteen common guillemots (Uria aalge) from the Isle of May during the 2005-2006 annual cycle. These biologging data were collected using global location...

Northwest European shelf seas - Phytoplankton pigments - 2010 to 2019

These data contain concentrations in micrograms per litre (ug/L) of the individual accessory pigments of phytoplankton measured by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Pigment samples were...

2005 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Harris broad-scale mapping survey

The Sound of Harris is a topographically complex marine area situated between North Uist and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Very little is known of the marine biota of the area but it is likely to...

2005 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Harris broad-scale mapping survey

The Sound of Harris is a topographically complex marine area situated between North Uist and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Very little is known of the marine biota of the area but it is likely to...

CO2 Flow Metering

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. The experimental data was collected on a 1-inch bore gas-liquid two-phase CO2 flow rig in real time. The first column of the table is the time stamp. The second to...

Metabarcoding data from the guano of insectivorous bats in Sabah, Malaysia

This dataset includes capture data for insectivorous bats captured with harp traps in Sabah, Malaysia, and dietary metabarcoding data. The dietary data was generated through obtaining bat faeces,...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Moray Firth SAC sublittoral biotope mapping survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in the Moray Firth was to map the main sediment features and biota of the subtidal areas of the SAC, to provide a broadscale biotope distribution map of the area,...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Moray Firth SAC sublittoral biotope mapping survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in the Moray Firth was to map the main sediment features and biota of the subtidal areas of the SAC, to provide a broadscale biotope distribution map of the area,...

Payments over £250 made by Newcastle City Council

Newcastle City Council believes it is important to be open about how we spend money. Each month we will publish a list of all payments we make which are over £250 (including VAT), showing who we...

Surface and Meteorological Data of Protodune Dynamics at Brancaster Beach, UK on 12th August 2016 (NERC Grant NE/R010196/1)

This dataset includes raw point cloud data from repeat terrestrial laser scans (TLS) for a field of protodunes that developed on Brancaster Beach over a three hour period. As well as the TLS data,...

Snow-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions over Heterogeneous Landscapes Project: Vegetation and Meteorological Observations at the Sodankyla Site

Vegetation and meteorological observations (snow and radiation) were collected by various ground instruments in an area of forest near Sodankyla (Finalnd) during measurement campaigns in March...

Snow-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions over Heterogeneous Landscapes Project: Vegetation and Meteorological Observations at the Sodankyla Site

Vegetation and meteorological observations (snow and radiation) were collected by various ground instruments in an area of forest near Sodankyla (Finalnd) during measurement campaigns in March...

Soil moisture product merged from satellite and modelled data for Great Britain, April 2015-December 2017

A soil moisture product for Great Britain at two spatial resolutions: 12.5km and 1km, based on triple collocation error estimation and a least-squares merging scheme. Two remote sensing soil...

Plant biomass, soil conditions and stable isotope concentrations in soil, roots and shoots from a microcosm experiment [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

Data collected include: plant (shoot and root) biomass, a range of soil conditions including mycorrhizal abundance, microbial biomass carbon & nitrogen, soil extractable ammonia, soil...

Ant colour data from an experiment in Malaysian Borneo, 2015-2018

This dataset measures colour and estimates body size of ant species collected across four vertical strata: subterranean, ground, understory and canopy in lowland tropical rainforest. Ants were...

Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey

The Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) is a survey of employers in Northern Ireland that collects employee job counts. Results are available according to gender, full...

Dung beetle abundance data from a before-and-after El Niño experiment in the Brazilian Amazon

This data set includes longitudinal abundance of dung beetles at dung-baited pitfall traps, recorded in 2010, 2016 and 2017 (around six years before, six months after and 18 months after the...

Windermere fish abundance 1940-2012

This dataset consists of information regarding the abundance of fish species from Windermere, and includes long-term data on Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Pike (Esox lucius), Perch (Perca...

Abundance of pollinators and diversity of bees in Ghana and the effect of urbanisation and management practices

Data consists of abundance counts and diversity of pollinators collected in Ghana. Pollinators were sampled with pan-traps between August and November 2016 in 126 greenspaces spread over an...