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264 results found

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI)

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) is the amount of money an individual person has left for saving or spending after expenditure associated with income (such as taxes and social...

GLA Key Performance Indicators

The Business Plan 2013/14 established for the first time a suite of GLA Key Performance Indicators (KPI) closely linked to Mayoral priorities. These statistics show KPI performance, together with...

Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Areas Benefiting from Defences

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired and is superseded by a new dataset called: Reduction in Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea due to Defences. The Areas Benefiting from Defences...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with Manchester Airport for any wind turbine development within the city boundary. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the...

Spend in Yorkshire Forward

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending made by Yorkshire Forward., as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. Software changes would be...

Potential Sites of Hydropower Opportunity

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been Retired. Potential Sites of Hydropower Opportunity will no longer be updated. Many factors have changed since this data was created in 2010 such as waterbody...

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model 2014

This dataset has been retired and replaced with Surfzone DEM 2019 dataset available here: The SurfZone Digital...

SLDC Parking Account

This dataset contains an annual summary of the car parking account from South Lakeland District Council. Please note; figures published in April are interim figures and will be updated later in...

Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response

The GLA strongly believes that Government needs to do more to unlock the power of data, helping organisations to make better decisions and operate more efficiently. Greater sharing of information...

Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 - Central and Education (Maintained School) Functions

Set out below is the information the council is required to publish under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 for its central and education (maintained...

Modelling the long-term health impacts of air pollution in London

This study estimates the long-term health impacts of exposure to air pollution in London from 2016 to 2050. The study finds that by 2050 policies in the London Environment Strategy (including the...

Bristol City Council Fraud

Notes to Fraud Data 2018/19 1. The information provided relates to fraud against the authority, it does not include cases of fraudulent activity by traders, as investigated by Trading...

Planning Policy Documents Updated 2016

The Council has recently updated 3 Planning Policy Documents in May 2016. __Annual Monitoring Report 2014/15__ This is the 11th Annual Monitoring Report produced by the Council and contains...

Mains Water Supply

Mains water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of mains water supplies. Further infromation can...

Child death review data release 2021

Child death review data release 2021 The National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) was notified of 3,068 child deaths in England between April 2020 and March 2021. The data was collected as...

Photogrammetric Data Of The UK And World

The database contains scanned photographs (at 1016dpi) of the UK and various locations around the world. Some are single band (black&white) others are 3 band colour. The images are stored in...

Customer and Support Group (CSG) contract

The London Borough of Barnet has entered into 2 major new contracts that will save the Barnet taxpayer over £165m over 10 years, and deliver a wide range of service improvements to Barnet...

Balance sheet analysis and farming performance

This release presents the main results from an analysis of the profitability and resilience of farms in England using data from the Farm Business Survey. Six measures have been examined;...

Libraries datasets

In Newcastle libraries we are endeavouring to open up as much of our data as possible. We will publish data here on a regular basis. Each file is saved in CSV format and has an accompanying text...

Data for London - A City Data Strategy

**Welcome to the City Data Strategy for London**. This document is built around the following vision: _We want London to have the most dynamic and productive City Data Market in the world. In...