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RAISEonline school performance, absence and exclusion and census data

Information for this dataset is sourced from the Department for Education. Data is held for primary, secondary and special schools in England. Data is calculated at different aggregation levels:...

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Marine Management Organisation Evidence Project Register

This is a list of evidence projects Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has undertaken including currently ongoing commissions.

A74-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Tamar Tavy & St John's Lake SSSIs 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Tamar, Tavy & St John's Lake SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a...

Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England), Biannual Datasets (2010/11)

DoLS were introduced in April 2009 as an amendment to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (“The Act”). The Safeguards provide a framework for approving the deprivation of liberty for people who lack the...

2014 Natural England Phase II Rocky Scar Condition Assessment Survey of the Solway Firth SAC

Survey name: 2014 Natural England Phase II Rocky Scar Condition Assessment Survey of the Solway Firth SAC This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

2012 Natural England/JNCC Fal and Helford SAC kelp forest condition assessment and maerl studies

Survey name: 2012 Natural England/JNCC Fal and Helford SAC kelp forest condition assessment and maerl studies This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas. Areas identified where air quality objectives are not being met. Actions taken to improve air quality are focused on these areas and their success measured by ongoing...

DH Senior Officials Business Expenses - International Travel 2013-14

This data is for DH senior officials at Senior Civil Servants level 2 (SCS2), director level, or equivalent grades. It includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

2005 - Ongoing, EIFCA (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), The Wash, Sabellaria spinulosa reef (habitat mapping) surveys

Sabellaria spinulosa (ross worm) reef surveys are carried out continuously throughout the year. Data is collected using a combination of Acoustic Ground Discrimination System surveys, grab sampling...

Crown Prosecution Service Major Projects Portfolio data, 2015

Each government department has published detailed information about projects on the Government Major Project Portfolio (GMPP). This includes a delivery confidence assessment rating, financial...

Income Tax Receipts

This publication contains income tax receipts broken down according to the way in which tax is collected (through Pay As You Earn, Self Assessment etc), income tax repayments and tax credit figures...

Petroleum Revenue Tax

Provides analysis of Petroleum Revenue Tax (PRT) assessments showing gross profits, expenditures and reliefs, oil allowance and safeguard restriction and breakdowns of the number of fields whose...

NatureScot - National Coastal Change Assessment

This service contains layers with data from the National Coastal Change Assessment - Dynamic Coast project. The NCCA aims to establish historic coastal change by extracting the georectified...

Reproductive risk assessment for birds and mammals

Development of a practical phase-specific reproductive risk assessment for birds and mammals

Pupil Related Data for Statutory Assessments

Data collected on pupils for the administration and outcome of statutory assessments including entry information, access arrangements, teacher assessments and test results. The data does not...

Assessment Reports on applications for veterinary medicines

Assessment reports for national Marketing Authorisation applications and applications dealt with under decentralised, mutual recognition, variations and renewal procdedures (For above data only...

Health & Safety Reports, Assessments etc

Anything to do with Health & Safety or well being issues within VOSA personal information for individuals when have assisted, risk assessed, conducted accident investigations on etc

School Related Data for Statutory Assessments

Data collected on schools for the administration of statutory assessments including test order information. The data will include location/geographical information such as addresses and postcodes....