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Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Suitability

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer giving a suitability rating which represents the scale at which it is generally appropriate to use...

WFD RBMP2 Risk Assessments - Protected Areas

This dataset contains risk assessment data produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains protected areas (Shellfish Waters and Bathing Waters) that are assessed to be at...

Great Crested Newt - Risk Zones (Telford)

This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

Indicative Flood Risk Areas pdf views

PLEASE NOTE: this dataset has been retired. It has been superseded by data for Flood Risk Areas: Set of pdf map views...

OFT Monthly workforce management information April-August 2011

The OFT has published monthly workforce management information. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of...

Non-association independent schools inspections and outcomes: management information

Management information showing in-year and most recent inspections and outcomes.

Social care provision ownership and inspection outcomes: management information

These figures are not official statistics. They are management information published in the interests of transparency as at 31 March 2014.

Initial teacher education (ITE) inspections and outcomes: management information

Management information of inspections that took place from 2014, published in the interest of transparency.

Number of properties at risk of flooding from rivers and sea, 2011

Number of properties at risk of flooding from rivers and sea, 2011

Rankings of trading estates as to water quality risks from runoff

Large catalog/data-sets of trading estate runoff giving a general picture of trading estate runoff and additional insight into the risk it poses. Summary statistics were calculated for the runoff...

Eel Management Plans

Environment & Business - Land and Water. A European Union Regulation requires member states to produce Eel Management Plans (EMP), in a bid to halt and reverse the decline in eel. The...

FirstBuy management information

Data compiled by the Homes and Communities Agency, used for the monitoring of delivery of and production of official statistics on FirstBuy

Management Reporting Datasets

Details of performance, company statistics, compliance statistics, quality assurance statistics, Risk Register, Balances Scorecard

PFI management information

Data from HCA on current status of programmes provided to finance, ad-hoc data requests from HCA + PFI grant calculators

Groundwater Management Units

Shapefile of groundwater management units which are a break down of groundwater bodies used for local groundwater availability communication in Abstraction licensing strategies. Attribution...

WasteDataFlow - Local Authority waste management

Statistical data covering collection and recycling of waste based on a quarterly survey from local authorities. This is the entire raw dataset. Please see explanatory note for full details of a...

Workforce Management Information - Cabinet Office

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Farm Business Management Practices in England

This release provides the results of questions on animal health and welfare practices adopted by farmers. Link to main notice:...

Workforce Management Information - Ministry of Justice

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Ministry of Justice, its agencies and its executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent...

Workforce Management Information - Department of Health

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Department of Health, its agencies and its executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent...