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452 results found

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

SDNPA - Landscape Character Assessment

The SDNPA Landscape Character Assessment was originally prepared for the South Downs Joint Committee, in partnership with the Countryside Agency, English Heritage, Hampshire County Council, West...

Defra and JNCC Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data (ARD)

These data have been created by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) in order to cost effectively provide high quality,...

Saltmarsh Survey of Scotland

From 2010-2012 all known saltmarshes larger than 3ha were surveyed across the Scottish mainland and offshore islands, to compile the first detailed comprehensive national survey of this habitat in...

Gross Primary Productivity simulations of Great Britain for emulation, 2001-2010 from JULES land surface model

This data is an ensemble of Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) simulations, ran for a select set of 1kmx1km grid cells in Great Britain, each with a different set of parameter values, from...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2012

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2014

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

Land Cover Map 2007 (1km percentage target class, N. Ireland) Web Map Service

LCM2007 is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2016

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2013

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2015

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

Land Cover Map 2007 (1km percentage aggregate class, N. Ireland) Web Map Service

LCM2007 is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and...

United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2011

This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the...

Special Protection Areas (SPA)

This spatial dataset contains the digital boundaries of all Spatial Protection Areas (SPAs) in Wales. The EC Birds Directive of 1979 requires member states to establish SPAs to conserve the...

Bangladesh river bathymetry and seismic surveys (NERC grant NE/I023228/1)

This dataset contains data from a river multibeam and seismic survey which took place in 2013 and 2014 at scour sites within the Brahmaputra river basin in Bangladesh. The survey was carried out as...

Coal Resources Map of Britain

Coal resource maps for the whole of the UK have been produced by the British Geological Survey as a result of joint work with Department of Trade and Industry and the Coal Authority. The Coal...

Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF) Geophysical, Multibeam and Sampling Survey 2009/4_MEPF: MALSF Offshore east coast of East Anglia REC (18/May/2009 to 14/Jun/2009)

This survey has been carried out in May/June 2009 off the east coast of East Anglia on board the CEFAS Endeavour under contract for the Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF) comprising the...

Turkey breeding flocks in GB - number of adult flocks reported positive for each Salmonella serovar, NCP testing 2010 - 2014

This dataset shows the total number of sampled submissions as part of National Control Programme (NCP) testing (2010-2014), this dataset shows the number of positive Turkey breeding adult flocks...