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1,102 results found

Digital Great Britain coastlines (DiGBcoast v1.0): a dataset of the coastline position of Great Britain from 1984 to 2022 derived from publicly available optical satellite imagery

DiGBcoast v1.0, is a new supranational dataset documenting three decades of coastal change across Great Britain mainland (England, Scotland, and Wales) including the isle of Wight and Anglesey....

Species point records from 1990 FSCRC Cosheston Pill littoral sediment survey

The field work was carried out at low tide on the 12th February 1990. Five sample stations were established, three of which were located in an area where Shelduck are known to congregate and two in...

Habitat point records from 1990 FSCRC Cosheston Pill littoral sediment survey

The field work was carried out at low tide on the 12th February 1990. Five sample stations were established, three of which were located in an area where Shelduck are known to congregate and two in...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Folkestone Pomerania: Multibeam Survey FKPM_itt: Eastern Channel (25/02/2012 to 27/02/2012)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, WGS84 latitude and longitude...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds: Multibeam and Photo/Video Survey cscb_cend0113y: Southern North Sea (28/01/2013 to 30/01/2013)

Partial coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter. WGS84 latitude and longitude co-ordinates collected by Differential Global Positioning System (D-GPS), depths corrected to...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds: Multibeam Survey cscb_21_2012: Southern North Sea (15/03/2012 to 30/03/2012)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, UTM 31N co-ordinates collected...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Silver Pit: Multibeam Survey SLVP_Lot#7_2014: Southern North Sea (10/02/2014 to 14/03/2014)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, WGS84 latitude and longitude...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: South Dorset: Multibeam Survey SDOR_itt: Western Channel & Celtic Sea (19/02/2013 to 19/03/2013)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, WGS84 latitude and longitude...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Bristow to the Stones: Multibeam and Photo/Video Survey ISSS_CEND0113Y: Isles of Scilly (19/01/2013 to 25/01/2013)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter. WGS84 latitude and longitude co-ordinates collected by Differential Global Positioning System (D-GPS), depths corrected to...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Beachy Head East: Multibeam Survey bhea_14_2012: English Channel (20/02/2012 to 23/03/2012)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, UTM-31N co-ordinates collected...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Mid St Georges Channel: Multibeam survey msgc_2_2012: Irish Sea (17/03/2012 to 30/03/2012)

Full coverage multibeam survey collecting bathymetry and backscatter to client specifications, namely International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Order 1a standard, WGS84 latitude and longitude...

Video transects with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI

Video transects with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). ArcGIS line feature class. Video transects with habitat characterisation across Wight-Barfleur Reef...

NHS Payments to General Practice

NHS Payments to General Practice in England, analysed by individual provider of general practice services and main payment category. The main payment categories include Global Sum, the Minimum...

Otter Surveys 1977-2010

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA224. Four national otter surveys have been completed for England in 1977-79, 1984-86, 1991-94 and 2000-02. The fifth national otter survey of...

Staff count - Posts

This is the number of job positions in the Council. Some employees may have two or more positions, each part time. The data is sourced from the Council’s Human Resources system. Figures are taken...

Global hydrological dataset of daily streamflow data from the Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN), 1863 - 2022

[This dataset is embargoed until October 1, 2024]. The Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN) dataset is a global hydrological dataset...


The sustainable environment assessment must account for crematoria, and this layer was used to define the position of Basildon Borough in 2008

Species point records from 1977-81 Eleftheriou/Robertson east Scotland littoral sediment survey

Eleven sandy beaches on the east coast of Scotland were surveyed over a period of several years (1977-1981). On each beach, after initial observations were made on the structure, degree of...

Habitat point records from 1977-81 Eleftheriou/Robertson east Scotland littoral sediment survey

Eleven sandy beaches on the east coast of Scotland were surveyed over a period of several years (1977-1981). On each beach, after initial observations were made on the structure, degree of...

Organogram and staff pay data for the Railway Heritage Committee

Organisation structure charts (organograms) for the Railway Heritage Committee. Providing: 1. structure of the department/body down to directorate level 2. positions of all Senior Civil...