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247 results found

Landscape Map of Scotland

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. Together with the accompanying descriptions and photographs, the areas...

Rural Landscape Character Areas

The map shows the landscape character areas for the rural parts of Bath and North East Somerset whereby the landscape is divided into parcels of land with common characteristics. These 18 distinct...

Local Landscape Characters

This identifies the character, distinctiveness and qualities of the Borough’s open countryside to enable Bolton Council to find ways of protecting and enhancing the quality of the whole countryside...

Monsoon-triggered landslide point data for central-eastern Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002582/1)

This file contains the point data and areas (in m) of 12,838 monsoon-triggered landslides that occurred during distinct monsoon seasons between 1988 and 2018 across a 45,000 km2 region of...

Warwickshire Local Wildlife Sites (LWS)

This dataset shows Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) for Warwickshire County. Local Wildlife Sites are defined areas identified and selected locally for their nature conservation value. Their selection...

Landscape Character Assessment Pre-October 2007

Landscape character assessment ( LCA ) is the process of identifying and describing variation in character of the landscape. LCA documents identify and explain the unique combination of elements...

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest are non-statutory designations that seek to identify distinctive areas of the historic landscape in Northern Ireland. The preservation of an...

National Landscape Character Areas (NLCA)

This dataset comprises of boundaries for the 48 regional landscape character areas for Wales. The purpose of this data capture was to geographically distinguish different regions in Wales in...

Marine Consultation Areas (Scotland)

Marine Consultation Areas are identified by Scottish Natural Heritage as deserving particular distinction in respect of the quality and sensitivity of the marine environment within them. Their...

Landform Point

Feature which has a point geometry and represents an area of the Earth's surface with a distinct physical morphology that is too small to capture as a Landform feature but is considered to be of...

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas (CONS) have distinctive character based on the historic street pattern, open spaces, views, changes in level, and the variety and the scale of buildings. Upon accessing this...

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas (CONS) have distinctive character based on the historic street pattern, open spaces, views, changes in level, and the variety and the scale of buildings. Upon accessing this...

Green Wedge - Craven District Council

Green Wedges are designated by Policy BE3 in the Adopted Craven Local Plan 2012 – 2032, they comprise the open areas around and between parts of settlements, which maintain the distinction between...

Conservation Areas

There are 34 conservation areas in Bristol. Conservation areas have a special character and appearance, and we aim to preserve or enhance them. A conservation area might have: historic road...

Landform Line

Feature which has a line geometry and represents the alignment of either the higher limit, or the side or lower limit of areas with a distinct physical morphology, typically where there is a...

Local authorities in England

Includes unitary authorities, district councils, London Borough councils, metropolitan district councils, county councils. Also police, fire, waste, transport and park authorities. Note that...

2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape Character Assessment - Landscape Character Type defines the boundaries of landscape parcels which have a distinctive combination of common landscape features. They provide context to...

Devon Character Areas

Devon Character Areas are areas of landscape in Devon that people recognise as distinct from others with a unique identity. They form one of the tiers of information within Devon's landscape...