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252 results found

Transport for London - Open Data

TfL statement: We've committed to making our open data freely available to third parties and to engaging developers to deliver new products, apps and services for our customers. Over 11,000...

Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices

The data set contains details of all environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued in the London Borough of Barnet since Feb 2019 - date under the Kingdom Services...

Environmental correlates of large-scale spatial variation in the Delta13C of marine animals

Carbon stable isotopes can be used to trace the sources of energy supporting food chains and to estimate the contribution of different sources to a consumer's diet. However, the δ13C signature of...

Chemical composition of Central Asian forage plants

The database of chemical composition of Central Asian forage plants contains just under 1000 desert and steppe species with information such as Latin and Russian names and family and related...

Transfer parameters for radionuclides and radiologically significant stable elements to foodstuffs in Spain

Data comprise of radionuclide and stable element concentrations in vegetal and animal food and feedstuffs, and their corresponding transfer coefficients and concentration ratios determined in...

The Pantheon database: habitat related traits, conservation status and taxa associations for invertebrates in England

The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over...

Data associated with journal article 'Modelling of H2 production in a packed bed rector via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming process'. S Z Abbas, V Dupont, T Mahmud (2017).

Data derived from UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. The journal article can be found at The sorption enhanced steam reforming (SE-SMR) of methane over...

Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record

In order to be able to carry out its many functions, Cornwall Council has compiled an encyclopaedic archive of information on the historic environment of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The...

Survey data on antibiotic use in humans and animals, poultry keeping practices, waste disposal and hygiene in Bangladesh (2017)

[This dataset is embargoed until March 30, 2020]. A cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey was conducted in 2017 in rural households, poultry farms and urban food markets. Survey data for...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical report - Review of the potential impacts of offshore wind farms on migrating and overwintering swans and geese in the SEA5 area (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). A review of the...

Molecular analysis of Glossina morsitans morsitans tsetse from Mambwe District, Zambia (2013)

This data set describes the prevalence of trypanosomes and Sodalis glossinidius, and host blood meal analysis from tsetse flies (Glossina morsitans morsitans) captured during two intensive surveys...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Investigating the radiative heat flux in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces for CFD model development and system scale up

Oxy-fuel combustion has been recognised as one of the very competitive technologies for CO2 capture in the power generation sector. Its importance for CCS technology development in the UK is...

Oak-associated biodiversity in the UK (OakEcol)

This dataset contains a list of all known birds, bryophytes, fungi, invertebrates, lichens and mammals that use oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) in the UK. In total 2300 species are listed...

2002 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA3 Technical report - Cephalopods (Addendum to SEA2 report), North Sea

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA3) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and is an addendum to...

2001 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2 Technical report - Cephalopods, covering overview of cephalopod population, ecology, fisheries, sensitivity in the North Sea

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA2) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). SEA2 focuses on the...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Cephalopods - An Overview of Cephalopods Relevant to the SEA 6 Area (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Cephalopods are...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Cephalopods (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and provides an...

Grassland productivity data across a gradient of invasive Pinus contorta abundance, northwest Patagonia, Argentina, 2020

This dataset contains total green biomass, palatable green biomass, sheep stocking rate, Pinus contorta tree density, P. contorta basal area and percentage canopy cover in sites across northwest...

Police Front Counter Access Times

The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime is consulting on a new estate strategy. One of the proposals is to close 65 front counters, where the public can access the police in person. This page...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Shellfish and fisheries (Northern North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The SEA5 review...