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UK Marine Noise Registry: 2018 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2018 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry Outputs for 2017

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2017 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2019 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2019 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2020 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2020 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2021 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2021 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polyline)

This dataset is an extract of the polyline features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polygon)

This dataset is an extract of the polygon features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (point)

This dataset is an extract of the point features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Register of quota holdings Fixed Quota Allocation (FQA register)

The FQA (Fixed Quota Allocation) Register is a list of fishing vessel licence and entitlement holders who hold FQA units. Details are given of the FQA units attributable to each licence and...

Isoprene concentration and flux measurements and associated meteorological parameters from Auchencorth Moss, Scotland, June and July, 2015

Isoprene flux and concentration measurements made from Auchencorth Moss during the summer of 2015. Isoprene concentrations were measured using a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS)...

Nitrous oxide fluxes and associated soil measurements from a mixed livestock farm in central Scotland (2012-2013)

This data set includes over 500 individual flux measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) from a mixed livestock farm, carried out in 2012 and 2013 using a high-precision flux chamber method....

Elemental concentrations (Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr) in a range of crops and associated soils from the UK and Spain

Data comprise elemental concentrations of Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr, NH4-N and NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon) measured by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), ICPOES (Inductively...

Elemental concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils in terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain

Data comprise stable element concentrations in terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) and corresponding whole-body concentration ratios determined in two different Mediterranean...

Biotope (macrofaunal assemblage) map and associated confidence layer based on grab and core data from 1976 to 2020

Two vector (.shp) files are provided. The first, (*macro_assemblages.shp*) shows the modelled (random forest) macrofaunal assemblage type based on a clustering of abundance data from the...

2012 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Hoe Waterfront Plymouth Undaria pinnatifida and Corella eumyota Survey

A targeted search of the foreshore of Plymouth Hoe by the Marine Biological Association for the invasive kelp, Undaria pinnatifida.

2020 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Batten Bay Corella eumyota and Watersipora subatra January survey

Volunteer records of non-native inter-tidal fauna during Timed Species Searches on shores at Mount Batten, South Devon January 2020.

2018 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Newton Ferrers School Pacific Oyster Survey Newton Ferrers

A school group completed a survey looking for invasive Pacific Oysters (Magallana gigas) along Newton Ferrers shoreline. There were two main surveys, three transects with quadrats laid along them...

2011 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Noss Mayo Yealm Estuary Transect Survey of Crassostrea gigas

Organised by the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in Plymouth, School students performed a transect survey of part of the Yealm estuary searching for the invasive pacific oyster Crassostrea...

Concentrations and antibiotic resistance of faecal indicator organisms and human pathogens associated with sewage waste on Scottish beaches, 2021

The data includes concentrations of faecal indicator organisms isolated from the plastic waste and natural substrates found on Scottish beaches, as well as the antibiotic resistance of selected...

2018, Cathie Associates, Colter Rig Site Survey, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_760

An oil and gas industry jack-up rig site survey acquired under licence P1918 in September 2018. The block number traversed was 98/11.