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328 results found

210Pb-dated historical lake sediment metal concentrations from Greater Glasgow, Scotland (mid-19th century to 2016)

Measurements of sediment properties (including organic and carbonate content), radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) and elements (including mercury, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead) in lake sediment...

Phenological changes in growth in cod as an indicator of climate change

Cod (*Gadus morhua*) stocks in the North Sea have declined to historically low levels of abundance and are considered to be suffering from a reduced ability to reproduce. In this situation there...

School Mode of Travel

The Influencing Travel Behaviour Team (ITB) provide road safety education, training and publicity to schools, communities, businesses and Leeds residents. We promote sustainable travel throughout...

FE Choices: performance indicators

The May 2015 release of employer satisfaction open data contains 2013/14 survey data. Scores by provider can be found in the provider open data csv file. The November 2015 release of learner...

Further Education and Skills in England: Learner Equality and Diversity

Ethnicity, gender, learning difficulties or disabilities and age Equality and Diversity participation, starts, and success rate data for Further Education and Skills learners in England. These...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 2012/4: Determination of late glacial and post-glacial processes: Lake Windermere (13/Apr/2012 to 27/Apr/2012)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine sampling survey took place in April 2012 on Lake Windermere using the White Ribbon and a floating pontoon from Uwitec. The aim was to collect a number of...

Tritrophic phenology and associated data from 44 sites in Scotland, 2014-2021

This dataset contains data on temperature and tritrophic phenology collected across 44 sites in Scotland for the period 2014 – 2021. Each site was visited every two days through the spring. The...

Population responses of honeybees to oilseed rape neonicotinoid seed treatments in Hungary, Germany and the UK

The data set describes the effects of three neonicotinoid seed treatments (clothianidin, thiamethoxam and a control) applied to winter sown oilseed rape in Hungary, Germany and the UK on honeybees...

Solent Aggregates to Outreach

The Aggregates to Outreach project is funded by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF). The project spanned two phases: the first phase 1 (ALSF 3963) undertaken...

1997 Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) UK distribution of non-native species records

The study reported here was undertaken to collate details and review information about introductions of marine fauna and flora to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). The focus of this...

Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR) (NERC grant NE/M001156/1)

Data produced from NERC Grant NE/M001156/1 - Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR), collected following methods outlined in Izon et al., 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...

Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21

On 26 May 2016, the Executive agreed the draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21. The draft framework contains 14 strategic outcomes which, taken together, set a clear direction of travel...

Parentage assignments from a genetic pedigree of a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

The data contains the genetic identity of parents (maternal and paternal identities and assignment probabilities) identified from DNA extracted from tail tips analysed using the MASTERBAYES...

Vascular plant and bryophyte survey from a 33-year chronosequence on bare chalk, Dorset, 2019-2020

Vascular plant and bryophyte survey data from a 33-year chronosequence on bare chalk, used to investigate primary succession. The bare chalk plots were created from archaeological excavations on...

Strategy for Industry Generated Data - 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Patnership

A desk-based study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry-led data collection in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in...

Identifying coastal archaeology using multi-spectral satellite imagery of the intertidal zone

his English Heritage funded project explored the use of multispectral satellite imagery for archaeological investigations in the intertidal zone. As a pilot project, the study focused on the well...

Focus on London - Labour Market

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2011:**LABOUR**MARKET:**BEYOND**HEADLINES In 2009, the overall proportion of the London working-age population who were in work was around two percentage points below the UK...

Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Legislation and Targets

This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council’s Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them  P1 - There is no...

ITE Land Classification of Great Britain 1990

The Land Classification 1990 is a classification of Great Britain into a set of 32 environmental strata, termed land classes, to be used as a basis for ecological survey, originally developed by...

European-wide maps of modelled farm-level ecosystem services, 2019

The dataset presented provides average per-farm ecosystem service (ES) values for each NUTS3 region for Europe for the year 2019. The modelled ES are: carbon sequestration [t C ha-1 yr-1], food...