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Local authority and school expenditure on education, children and young people’s services and social care

This SFR provides details on how local authorities spent their funding on their education, children and young people's services and social care responsibilities. It also includes the latest...

Judicial and Court Statistics

These annual reports relate to the criminal and civil business of the courts in England and Wales for whose administration the Ministry of Justice is responsible. They also cover the work of some...

User guide to Home Office crime statistics

The User Guide to Home Office Crime Statistics is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes regarding the issues and classifications which are key to the production and...

Six Month Offer Stats

Take up of Recruitment Subsidy. Self Employment Work Focused Training and Volunteering initiatives introduced in April 2009 as part of the Government's response to the economic...

Freedom of Information Log

Table logging requests, applicant details and compliance information, including response deadlines and details of progress.

Adult skills - literacy, numeracy technology and ESOL estimates (Skills for Life Survey)

Adult skills need estimates for literacy, numeracy, information communication and technology and ESOL across England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES): Read Write Plus Skills...

List of Internal Drainage Boards

Please note: This catalog/data-sets has now been superseded by the the record titled: Association of Drainage Authorities: Administrative Boundaries - Internal Drainage Districts in England. This...

Local Nature Recovery Strategy Areas (England)

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of the 48 Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) areas for the whole of England and the Responsible Authorities for each...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

HM Treasury Government Procurement Card spend greater than £500

In May 2010 the Coalition Government set up new standards for Transparency in Government. The Minister for the Cabinet Office has since committed Government to publishing procurement card spending...

Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey Main Results

The MOD uses the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) to collect information on the attitudes, opinions and circumstances of serving personnel. Results are reported separately for the...

Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly Update

Presents the most recent crime statistics from the British Crime Survey (BCS) and police recorded crime in England and Wales. Responsibility for the compilation and publication of all crime...

Disclosure and Barring Service: performance of all police forces

Performance data response rate for the Disclosure & Barring Service checks for all police forces from April 2006.

Various water quality parameters covering a pre and post-planting regime (Halladale study 1995-2010)

Our study was driven by concerns that afforesting the headwaters of the Upper Halladale River in North Scotland would affect water quality and the local salmon fishery. The main issue was the...

Building Price and Cost Indices

NB Responsibility for the production of PCIs transferred to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 1 April 2015. See:...

Statistics on International Development 2014

This annual report on the UK's international aid is published as "Statistics on International Development" (SID). SID provides information on the UK’s Gross Public Expenditure on Development (GPEX)...

Social services Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) indicators

A set of 49 indicators that are collected from Local Authorities with Social Services responsibility. It covers indicators for older people, mental health, patient experience, Hospital Episodes,...

DFID Statistics on International Development 2012

This annual report on the UK's international aid is published as "Statistics on International Development" (SID). SID provides information on the UK’s Gross Public Expenditure on Development (GPEX)...

Ambulance Services, England

This bulletin contains information about the ambulance services provided by the National Health Service in England. The information is collected from individual ambulance trusts and shows volume of...

Response of seed germination to smoke water solutions in Cerrado plant species collected between 2013 and 2020

This dataset contains information about how seeds collected from Brazilian Cerrado plant species germinate in smoke water and control water solutions. Seeds were collected from site across the...