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315 results found

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI)

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) is the amount of money an individual person has left for saving or spending after expenditure associated with income (such as taxes and social...

NextBuses API

The NextBuses API allows users to access live departure information by stop for public transport across Great Britain. Real time information will be provided where it is available and scheduled...

Statutory Main River Map Variations

The Statutory Main River Map Variations dataset defines proposed changes to the Statutory Main River Map. Statutory Main Rivers Map defines statutory watercourses in England designated as Main...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

Conservation Areas Documentation

Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas was presented at the CSLF Call project...

Free School Meals

Numbers of eligible pupils and the take up of Free School Meals (__FSM__) for Maintained York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). All data is taken from the...

Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response

The GLA strongly believes that Government needs to do more to unlock the power of data, helping organisations to make better decisions and operate more efficiently. Greater sharing of information...

Regional Gross Value Added (Production approach)

Regional Gross Value Added (GVA) by the production approach: Current Price GVA estimates and Real GVA as Chained Volume Measures for NUTS1 and NUTS2 (1998-2011). Source agency: Office for National...

Highways England Agreed Diversion Routes

Highways England Agreed Diversion Routes represent the recommended routes for road users when a section of road has been closed. Routes may not be representative of the routes indicated in the real...

Social housing asset value

Leeds City Council provides data on the value of its social housing assets in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code. Please note ----------- * As the value may differ between...

Registry Trust CCJ Region Data

These aggregated datasets provide information on the number and value of unmanaged debts based on all money judgments registered in the courts of England and Wales for each year since 2001. The...

Planned road works on the National Highways road network

This dataset provides information on planned roadworks carried out on the National Highways network. Roadworks listed cover the period up to 15 days in advance from the date of publication. It...

Cambridge City Mid 2010 Population Estimates

Spreadsheet of Mid 2010 population estimates for Cambridge City. The data is of estimates of the total population by ward for 2001 and 2010. There is also the percentage change in population for...

Aa Indices.

The aa index is a simple global geomagnetic activity index, with units of 1 nT (nanotesla), which is produced from the K indices from two approximately antipodal observatories. At present these are...

Comparative performance of rural water supplies during drought - dataset (NERC grant NE/R000069/1)

Ethiopia experienced severe drought in 2015-16. Many rural communities experienced declines in the performance of their water supply systems. As a result UNICEF commissioned a real-time monitoring...

GLA Senior Staff Salaries

The [Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency](, issued by the Department for Communities...

South Cambridgeshire mid 2010 population estimates

Spreadsheet of mid 2010 population estimates for South Cambridgeshire. The data is of estimates of the total population by wards and parishes in South Cambridgeshire. Parish data is available for...

Huntingdonshire mid 2010 population estimates

Spreadsheet of mid 2010 population estimates for Huntingdonshire. The data is of estimates of the total population by wards and parishes in Huntingdonshire. Parish data is available for 1991, 2001...

Fenland mid 2010 population estimates

Spreadsheet of mid 2010 population estimates for Fenland. The data is of estimates of the total population by wards and parishes in Fenland. Parish data is available for 1991, 2001 and 2010. For...