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Affordable housing provision

All new affordable housing completions/ acquisitions Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Tenancy type

This dataset comprises new general needs lettings, let at social rent levels owned by Local Authorities, classified by type of main tenancy. These data are for new social housing lettings at the...

Social Lettings Tables

Social lettings information recorded on CORE (Continuous Recording of Lettings) in 2011/12 adjusted for missing local authority landlord data. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Perceptions of Anti-Social behaviour

Percentage of respondents in an area with a high level of perceived anti-social behaviour Source: Local Government User Satisfaction Survey (LGUSS) administered by the Audit Commission on behalf...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Housing domain

Access to housing and quality of housing for children (using census housing indicators) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Capital Forecast Return

Local government capital expenditure and receipts forecast Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CFR

NI 007 - Environment for a thriving third sector

The indicator will be measured every second year by a new, bespoke, centrally administered survey of local third sector organisations. The survey will also include contextual questions covering,...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009

The Child Well-being Index (CWI) is a small area index of multiple deprivation for children Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Quarterly Capital Payments to December 2008

Local government capital expenditure and receipts Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Capital Forecast Live table

Capital expenditure and receipts forecast by local authorities Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CFR Live table

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Education domain

The Education Domain includes a variety of education outcomes including attainment, school attendance and destinations at age 16. Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher:...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Health and disability domain

This domain focuses on illness, accidents and disability, as represented by the use of health services and the uptake of disability benefits Source: Communities and Local Government...

Pooling of Housing Receipts

Information on (a) local authorities' housing receipts (particularly Right to Buy receipts), (b) calculation of what parts are poolable, and (c) the amounts each local authority has actually paid

Rough Sleepers Count

Street Count of Rough Sleepers Rough sleeping counts and estimates are single night snapshots of the number of people sleeping rough in local authority areas. Local authorities decide whether to...

NI 010 - Visits to museums and galleries

Museums and galleries have a range of local impacts, including promoting education and well-being and a sense of identification with their locality. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated...

Development Control Statistics, England

Development control at national, regional and local planning authority level. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Parishes and Charter Trustees in England

Provides information on local precepting authorities in England Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Mortgage Rescue Scheme Monitoring Statistics

Statistics about the number of households that approached local authorities with mortgage difficulties and applications and acceptances for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme. This is the final...

NI 139 - The extent to which older people receive the support they need to live independently at home

The measure, based on a survey question to be asked of the whole local population in the Place Survey, seeks to assess how far older people in a locality are getting the support and services they...

Planning Applications, England

Information on planning applications and decisions provided at national, regional and local authority level. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National...