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3,685 results found

Solicitors Enquiry List

Details of claims managed through a solicitors

Mobilised Reservists Listing

Personal taxation details for HMRC

Fife Listed Buildings

Fife has over 6,200 Listed Buildings, which is close to 10% of Scotland’s total entries on the statutory list. Listed Buildings are buildings or other structures of special architectural or...

Ophthalmic Surgery List

List of Active Ophthalmic Surgeries

Dentist and Surgery List

List of Active Dentists and Dental Surgeries

DBS list of offences that will never be filtered from a criminal record check

The list of offences that will never be filtered from a criminal record check.

List of Registered Bodies - registration has been requested on to the Update Service

Data shows a list of Registered Bodies that have processed the applications for which registration has been requested on to the Update Service (from 17th June 2013). Procuded for an FOI request.

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - list of terrestrial habitats

This is a basic list of terrestrial habitats that were included in the UK Report in 2013 under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the...

Approval for Access (AfA) Status Types data standard controlled list

This is the Environment Agency data standard controlled list of Approval for Access (AfA) status types. It is a controlled list of the 8 AfA status codes and descriptions and is the standard list...

North Lincolnshire Council Listed Buildings

North Lincolnshire Council Dataset showing Listed Buildings within the Councils administrative area with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

Listed Buildings (polygon data) 2017

Dataset shows Listed Buildings

Planning Application Listed Building Consent

Guidance, criteria and forms for Listed Building Consent can be found below.

North Lincolnshire Council Listed Buildings

North Lincolnshire Council Listed Buildings represented as polygons.

Listed Buildings in the Borough of Great Yarmouth

Under the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 data was collated by English Heritage into ‘A List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic...

Mendip District Council Listed Buildings

Locations of all Listed Buildings within the Mendip district Council Local Authority Area. A Listed Building is a building that has been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special...

Wycombe list of business rates reliefs

Properties in the Wycombe district in receipt of business rate relief.

Listed Building Consent Orders Polygons

This dataset is a spatial depiction of Listed Building Consent Orders agreed in Cheshire East. Listed Building Consent Orders were introduced by section 60 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform...

TWBC Open Data - Listed Buildings

There are around 3000 Listed Buildings designated by Heritage England, in Tunbridge Wells BoroughExplore more about Listed Buildings in Tunbridge Wells (opens a new window)

Locally Listed Heritage Sites in Salford

List of locally adopted heritage assets. For more information on its compilation please see:

Derby City Council Listed Buildings

Listed buildings within Derby City shown as polygons