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Real-time Flood Data River Levels

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA104 Real-time Flood Data River Levels via our API. This dataset covers monitoring data that is only updated on our systems during a routine daily...

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

Bradford Pollution Levels

Datasets showing nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at the Bradford location (Mayo Avenue). Additional information  The data is...

EWCO - NfC Ammonia Emissions Capture for SSSI Protection

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional point scoring for ammonia capture. There is no Additional Contribution for ammonia capture but EWCO supports action to...

Quality Indicators of Electricity and Gas Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of the quality of the regional electricity and gas datasets. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Pupil attainment: Level 3 qualifications by Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Number of 16-18 year old candidates and average score per candidate for level 3 assessments (post 16) and No. achieving level 3 qualifications by whether pupil has Special Educational Needs...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1: Achieving Level 2 or above

National Curriculum Assessments of 7 year olds in England: Proportion of pupils achieving level 2 or above in Reading, Writing, Maths or Science Key Stage 1 Source: Department for Education and...

Pupil attainment: Level 3 qualifications by English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Number of 16-18 year old candidates and average score per candidate for level 3 assessments (post 16) and No. achieving level 3 qualifications by whether or not pupils speak English as an...

Level 1 and 2 attainment in English and mathematics by 16-18 students

Attainment in level 1 and 2 English or mathematics for 16-18 students who did not achieve A*-C GCSEs by the end of Key Stage 4 Source agency: Education Designation: Experimental Official...

Level 1 and 2 attainment in English and mathematics by 16-19 students

Attainment in level 1 and 2 English or mathematics for 16-19 students who did not achieve A*-C GCSEs by the end of Key Stage 4 Source agency: Education Designation: Experimental Official...

Overseas students in the immigration system types of institution and levels of study system

The research provides estimates of the proportion of non-EEA students required to apply for visas under Tier 4 of the Points Based System who are coming to study in the UK at different types of...

Rural services data series: Availability of services at Output Area level

Service availability and accessibility has been a key rural policy issue for many years. In order to monitor changing levels of service availability, this indicator combines datasets that show...

NI 195c - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of fly-posting

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti. Source: Locally held Publisher:...

NI 195c - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of fly-posting

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti.

Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit Claimants at small area level

Housing Benefit can be claimed by a person if they are liable to pay rent and if they are on a low income. Council Tax Benefit is designed to help people on low-income to pay their Council Tax. The...

Air Quality - PM10 - Annual Mean

This dataset contains the Annual Mean Objective for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The annual mean is not to exceed 40µg/m3.Terms used in the dataset:TEOM = Tapered Element...

Local Air Quality Management Zones

Polygon dataset showing the locations of the air quality management zones in the Cotswold District.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Point dataset showing the locations of the local air quality monitoring stations in the Cotswold District.

Local Plan 2004 Air Park

Areas Wycombe Air Park relevant to Policy GB10 of the Adopted Local Plan 2004, polygons

RBC Air Quality Management Areas

Rushcliffe Borough Council Air Quality Management Areas