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449 results found

Agriculture in the United Kingdom

This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK, fulfilling the requirement that Ministers publish an annual report on matters relating to price support for agricultural...

School finance and balances

Statistics describing the total revenue balances (showing both committed and uncommitted revenue balances) and also the total revenue balances as a proportion of the total revenue income for LA...

Workless Benefit Claimants at Output Area Level

Counts and rates for people by area claiming Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support and other income-related benefits

Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery

The Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme was launched in August 2020. This £500 million scheme funds energy efficiency and low carbon heating projects for low income households across...

Balance sheet analysis and farming performance

This release presents the main results from an analysis of the profitability and resilience of farms in England using data from the Farm Business Survey. Six measures have been examined;...

NI Water Regulatory Accounts Analysis of Turnover and Operating Income 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Regulatory Accounts Analysis of Turnover and Operating Income 2019 2020


NI Water's 2017 Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding REGULATORY ACCOUNTS- ANALYSIS OF TURNOVER AND OPERATING INCOME

Income source and quantity data from communities in the Katakwi District, Uganda, 2018

This dataset is a product of the raw HEA (Household Economy Approach) data that were collected in sixteen communities in the Katakwi district, and the raw IHM (Individual Household Method) data...

Green Homes Grant Voucher and Installation statistics

These official statistics monitor the delivery of measures through the Green Homes Grant (GHG) voucher scheme. Our tables provide analysis on the measures installed and households receiving...

Employment Support Allowance (ESA)

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) replaced Incapacity Benefit and Income Support paid on the grounds of incapacity for new claims from 27th October 2008. Statistics releases from 2008 to...

IMD Employment Deprivation Domain 2007

This is one of 7 domains that make up the IMD, the indicators used in this domain are; - Recipients of Jobseekers Allowance (both contribution-based and income-based) - Participants in the New Deal...

Car Parking fees Banked

Car parking fee income from April 2011 to present. NB Car parking fee income figures do not reflect the monthly takings in car parks but cash collection and reconciliation.

Ratio of median house price to median earnings by district, from 1997

This dataset contains the ratio of median house price to median earnings by district from 1997 to 2012. This data set uses the median house price data from Land Registry on residential house price...

Local Authority benefit expenditure

Total expenditure by Local Authorities on key benefits: Attendance Allowance, Bereavement Benefit/Widow's Benefit Below State Pension Age, Bereavement Benefit/Widow's Benefit State Pension Age,...

New Deal for 50plus: Tabulation tool

New Deal 50+ aims to help people aged 50 and over who are looking for or considering a return to work and are in receipt of IB, JSA or Income Support. At this six-month threshold, participation in...

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants: People under pensionable age who are available for, and actively seeking, work of at least 40 hours a week. Source: Department for Work and Pensions...

Bristol City Council Parking Account

A breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account. The breakdown of income must include details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty...

Special Parking Account

a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account. The breakdown of income must include details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty...

Fuel poverty

The data includes estimates at lower super output area (LSOA) of housholds subject to high energy costs and low income (since 2011) and of households spending 10% or more of their income on fuel,...

NHS Payments to General Practice

NHS Payments to General Practice in England, analysed by individual provider of general practice services and main payment category. The main payment categories include Global Sum, the Minimum...