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Landscape point feature data 1984 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 1984. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example...

Landscape linear feature data 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 1998. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and...

Landscape linear feature data 1984 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 1984. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and...

Landscape linear feature data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 2007. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and...

Landscape point feature data 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 1998. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example...

Landscape point feature data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 2007. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example...

Landscape point feature data 1990 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 1990. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example...

Street Address

The Street Address Feature Type provides street address information for any road, footpath, cycleway, byway, or bridleway that has been uniquely identified by the local Highway Authority, or Street...

Upper Tier Local Authority

This feature type has been created to provide greater alignment between OS data and Office for National Statistics (ONS) data and to support a wider range of analysis. Welsh and Scottish Unitary...

Road Track Or Path

Features representing, describing or limiting the extents of roadways, tracks and pathways. A road is a metalled way for vehicles. A track is an unmetalled way that is clearly marked, permanent and...

Lower Tier Local Authority

This feature type has been created to provide greater alignment between OS data and Office for National Statistics (ONS) data and to support a wider range of analysis. Welsh and Scottish Unitary...

Historic Address

The Historic Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are no longer in existence. This can occur as a result of demolition or the merging of two built properties to become one...

Areas of current aquaculture potential defining boundary of policy AQ1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in East Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish...

Future aggregates resource areas defining boundary of policy AGG3 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset has been created to define future aggregate resource areas (AGG3) as shown in the MMO East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans. The data represents key outputs from the British...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

Reinstatement Point

A feature which has a point geometry and defines the standard the path must be restored to following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

Reinstatement Line

A feature which has a line / curve geometry and defines the standard the path must be restored to following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act...

Reinstatement Area

A feature which has a closed (area) geometry and defines the standard the path must be restored to following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act...


A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). Vehicle - Purpose built and installed FC asset, or regularly used natural feature,...