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1,111 results found

NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling

Access to core services and facilities by individuals through public transport, walking and cycling. Source: Department for Transport (DfT) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies:...

NI 152 - Working age people on out-of-work benefits

This indicator measures the percentage of the working age population who are claiming out of work benefits. Working age benefits include the main out-of-work client group categories (unemployed...

NI 057 Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

NI 165 - Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 4 or higher

Proportion of working age (19 years to retirement age) population qualified to at least level 4 or higher. People are counted as being qualified to level 4 or above if they have achieved...

NI 007 - Environment for a thriving third sector

The indicator will be measured every second year by a new, bespoke, centrally administered survey of local third sector organisations. The survey will also include contextual questions covering,...

NI 009 Use of public libraries

The services provided by public libraries are capable of giving positive outcomes for a wide variety of enquiries and purposes, including promoting community cohesion, education and well-being....

Species point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

Habitat point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

NI 111 - First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17

This indicator is currently a Youth Justice Board (YJB) key performance indicator for Youth Offending Teams (YOT) so arrangements for collection of data are already in place. The indicator provides...

NI 107 - Key Stage 2 attainment for black and minority ethnic groups

Key Stage (KS) 2 is the stage of the National Curriculum between ages 8 and 11 years. This indicator relates to tests taken by 11 year olds at the end of KS2. Minority ethnic groups measured for...

NI 053 Prevalence of breast-feeding at 6-8 weeks from birth

Percentage of infants being breastfed at 6-8 weeks. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

NI 131 - Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

The rate of delayed transfers of care from all NHS hospitals per 100,000 population aged 18+. A delayed transfer of care occurs when a patient is ready for transfer from a hospital bed, but is...

NI 045 - Young offenders engagement in suitable education, employment and training

This indicator measures the proportion of known young offenders who are actively engaged in education, training and employment and the effectiveness of partnership arrangements between Youth...

Working Age Client Group (WACG)

The information in this dataset refers to numbers of Working Age Benefit Claimants and is derived from a 100% data source; the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). The dataset provides...

Species point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Habitat point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Mid-irish Sea Reef Habitat Map

The aim of this research contract was to improve understanding of the habitats and communities present in an area of the Irish Sea identified as potentially containing Annex I reef habitat...

Insect species richness for each plant species and insect-plant interactions from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants [DBIF] version 2

This dataset consists of 4,397 insect species associated with 679 native plant species, 120 archaeophytes, and 234 neophytes from the Database of Insects and their Food Plants (DBIF). The DBIF...

NI 188 Planning to adapt to climate change

Self reported measure of action against climate change. Authorities should report the level they have reached as follows: Level 0: LA has not assessed and managed climate risks and opportunities,...