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NI 172 Percentage of small businesses in an area showing employment growth

Percentage of VAT registered businesses showing year-on-year employment growth. This indicator will include those businesses registered for VAT with less than 50 employment (around 98% of all VAT...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality

Data on senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality, and the permanent secretary’s meetings with external organisations.

Employers who fail to pay National Minimum or National Living Wage

Under a revised scheme announced on 11 February 2020, the naming of employers will resume. This process will call out businesses failing to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage and failing...

BEIS Prompt Payment Data

These datasets represent the percentage of invoices paid by the Department within 5 and 30 days of receipt. The data is shown in yearly quarters as required by Public Contracts Regulation...

FutureCoast Erosion Polygons (2100) for High Emissions Scenario SLR

Anticipated erosional areas, between the 2020 and anticipated 2100 Mean High Water Spring tide lines, based on a High Emissions Scenario sea level rise projection (RCP8.5, 95 percentile) and 'do...

FutureCoast Erosion Polygons (2050) for High Emissions Scenario SLR

Anticipated erosional areas, between the current 2020 and anticipated 2050 Mean High Water Spring tide lines, based on a High Emissions Scenario sea level rise projection (RCP8.5, 95 percentile)...

Flood levels and High Emission Scenario Sea Level Rise

The Coastal Flood Boundary counditions for the UK: Update 2018...

Scenarios of future land use change in Mozambique (2014 and 2015)

Data comprise scenarios of how land use can be in the future and how will it affect ecosystem services in rural Mozambique. The scenarios were constructed from information gathered at five...

Public Data Group Survey

Results from a Public Data Group survey of user of datasets produced by its members. The Public Data Group consists of 4 agencies - Met Office, HM Land Registry, Companies House and Ordnance Survey...

Feed in Tariff Community and School Applications’ Statistics

Count and installed capacity of community and school installations applying for accreditation under the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Release discontinued from April 2018. Source agency: Business, Energy...

BIS Private Sector Employment Indicator

The indicator is defined as the number of people employed by the private sector, as a proportion of the population aged 16-64 and those over 64 in the labour market. It provides an indication of...

Adjustments for Measured Term Contracts

The monthly Updating Percentages may be used as a contractual basis for the reimbursement of increased costs on measured term contracts let on all PSA Schedules of Rates or other forms of...

Heat Networks dataset

This data is furnished to the Energy officials within the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to provide evidence and to allow analysis for policy development. The data only...

Train to Gain

Further Education success rate on the Train to Gain programme Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Publisher: The Data Service Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...

BEIS: Official Development Assistance (ODA)

These documents set out what the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) aims to achieve through our funding. The Gender equality in research and innovation document sets...

Annual innovation report

Data used in the Annual innovation report 2012. The fourth annual innovation report that gives the latest available evidence on UK innovation performance and the contribution of business,...

Businesses in Scotland

Estimate of the number of businesses operating in Scotland by industry, sizeband, ownership and local authority area. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Business Investment

Investment trends for businesses. Contains capital expenditure data at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Business Demography

This product includes births, deaths and survivals of UK enterprises. The active stock of businesses is also shown, so that birth and death rates can be calculated. Source agency: Office for...

Interactive maps

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published a series of interactive maps. The maps bring together BEIS's Local Authority datasets into one place allowing users to...