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8,956 results found

HMIC review of anti-social behaviour in England and Wales

In Spring 2010 and 2012, HMIC carried out a review of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in England and Wales. This included an Ipsos MORI survey in which ASB victims were asked about their experiences...

Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland

The PSNI produces statistics on the number of anti-social behaviour incidents recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and a comparable data...

Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey: Sedatives or Tranquillisers and Anti-Depressants Results

This bulletin provides a comprehensive overview of many different aspects of sedative or tranquillisers and anti-depressant use in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social...

% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour

% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour *This indicator is discontinued

Ferromanganese oxides nitrogen isotopes (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Measurements of nitrogen and carbon abundances and isotopic ratios for deep-marine ferromanganese crusts and nodules from the modern ocean. This reservoir has not previously investigated as an...

NI 021 - Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police

Percentage of respondents that agree police and LAs are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area.

Analytical results from lightning discharge experiments focusing on interactions between nitrogen oxides and pyrite

The dataset includes measurements of dissolved and gaseous nitrogen oxides (nitrite, nitrate, NO(g)) generated by lightning discharge in a glass container partially filled with water, as well as...

ACSOE OXICOA EASE-96 and EASE-97: Airborne and Ground-based Measurements of Atmospheric Oxidants

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

ACSOE OXICOA EASE-96 and EASE-97: Airborne and Ground-based Measurements of Atmospheric Oxidants

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

Internal Audit and Internal Audit and CAFT (Corporate Anti-Fraud Team) Reviews

Internal Audit provide independent and objective assurance to the Council, its Members, the Strategic Commissioning Board (including the S151 Officer) to support them in discharging their...

Denitrification and greenhouse gas emissions in natural and semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems [LTLS]

Data comprise monthly field measurements of in-situ denitrification rates in different land use types of the Ribble Wyre and Conwy catchments. The data include greenhouse gas emissions (methane,...

Riverine nitrogen gas production by anaerobic ammonium oxidation across contrasting geologies

This dataset contains anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and denitrification activity of riverine sediments in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Nine rivers within sub-catchments of...

Nitrous oxide emissions from Whim peatbog after thirteen years of experimental nitrogen deposition

The data set contains fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) from Whim peatbog in central Scotland, measured using chamber methods. A nitrogen deposition experiment was carried out at the site, where...

QICS Paper: Response of the ammonia oxidation activity of microorganisms in surface sediment to a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2

The impact of a sub-seabed CO2 leak from geological sequestration on the microbial process of ammonia oxidation was investigated in the field. Sediment samples were taken before, during and after a...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

Systemic Anti Cancer Therapy (SACT) Dataset

All cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in England. 2010 - prospectively

Crime and Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)

Monthly and annual crime and ASB numbers and rates at ward and local authority area level calculated from figures supplied by North Yorkshire Police

Oxidative stress markers in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2017-2021

The dataset includes markers of oxidative state in banded mongooses at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, in the period 2017-2021. Data are: red blood cell concentrations of glutathione; blood...

Growing season methane and nitrous oxide static chamber fluxes from Sodankylä region, Northern Finland

This dataset contains calculated terrestrial fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide using static chambers from the Sodankylä region of Northern Finland across both forest and wetland ecosystems....

Static chamber measurements of nitrous oxide flux from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 2000-2001 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

The dataset comprises nitrous oxide (N2O) flux data, collected from static chambers as part of a study to determine how land management affected nitrogen cycling by nitrifiers and denitrifiers in...