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UKTI senior officials travel

This report shows international travel by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central...

Head of Finance Proffession (HOFP) Database

Personal details of all accountants in the MOD

Percent of older person's placements more expensive for LAs than basic contract

Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the LA subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

General and Personal Medical Services, England December 2016, Provisional Experimental statistics

A provisional view of GPs by type working in General Practice . The general practice data records numbers and details of GPs in England. Time series data is available within the excel tables...

Alcohol-related sexual crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population)

Alcohol-related sexual crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population) *This indicator is discontinued

Alcohol-related recorded crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population)

Alcohol-related recorded crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population) *This indicator is discontinued

Alcohol-related violent crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population)

Alcohol-related violent crimes: Persons, all ages (per 1,000 population) *This indicator is discontinued

BD SO1C - Recruiting Statistics

FLEET CNR - Personal File, Excel Spreadsheet

Cautions for summary (excluding motoring) offences

Persons cautioned for summary (excluding motoring) offences as a percentage of persons found guilty or cautioned by police force area, sex and age group Source: Ministry of Justice...

British Citizenship Statistics United Kingdom

Annual statistics relating to persons granted British Citizenship.

Library statistics 2017-18

Library statistics 2017-18 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable  'Table 2...

Library statistics 2018-19

Library statistics 2018-19 There are the following tabs on the excel file 'Table 1 Loans' - contains data on loans for the financial year. A loan is a loan + renewal where applicable 'Table 2...

Cautions for indictable (excluding motoring) offences

Persons cautioned for indictable (excluding motoring) offences as a percentage of persons found guilty or cautioned by police force area, sex and age group, 2007 Source: Ministry of Justice...

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : adult fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed adult fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies that...

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : junior fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed junior fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies that...

DfE Employee Data File

Employee data file containing personal data of department employees

HR Recruitment and Redeployment database

Personal Information e.g. name, NI number and statistical data

Newcastle Libraries most borrowed titles : adult non-fiction

Lists of the 50 most borrowed adult non-fiction titles across Newcastle Libraries by year.For each title, the dataset includes the name of the author, the number of loans and the number of copies...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Small Area Data

Detailed annual lower level geographical estimates of families and their children in receipt of Child & Working Tax Credits as at 31 August of the reference year; geographical location at...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Finalised Award

Retrospective picture of finalised annual awards and payments made to families who claimed WTC and or CTC in the previous year; provides details on family circumstance and average entitlement as...