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260 results found

Plant census and microenvironment dataset from Mt. Baldy, Colorado, USA, 2014-2017

The data comprise a long-term study of alpine plant community dynamics in the Gunnison National Forest of Colorado. The data comprise annual census data for all plants (including seedlings) in each...

Measurements of microarthropod community structure and diversity from an upland grassland experimental site [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

Data comprises patterns of diversity in a below-ground community of microarthropods (mites and collembola), measured during a nutrient (calcium and nitrogen) manipulation experiment, located at the...

Geomorphic map (NERC grant NE/I022434/1)

Geomorphological map of the Sutlej and Yamuna fans, northwestern India. Grant abstract: India is the largest agricultural user of groundwater in the world. The last 40 years has seen a...

PalaeoQUMP (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - Using Palaeodata to Quantify Uncertainties in Model Prediction): Global Charcoal Database

PalaeoQUMP was headed by Prof Sandy Harrison of the University of Bristol, with co-investigators at the University of Southampton and Durham University, as part of QUEST (Quantifying and...

PalaeoQUMP (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - Using Palaeodata to Quantify Uncertainties in Model Prediction): Global Charcoal Database

PalaeoQUMP was headed by Prof Sandy Harrison of the University of Bristol, with co-investigators at the University of Southampton and Durham University, as part of QUEST (Quantifying and...

CORONA Satellite Image of Area from Sennybridge to Talgarth, Wales

This image file (DS1104-1043DF002_2c.tif) was initially captured during the CORONA J-1, KH-4a reconnaissance missions and represents one of four image frames associated with a single swath which...

2000 National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay Dorset, Maerl density and distribution dive quadrat survey

A qualitative pipe-dredge survey was undertaken by Ken Collins and Jenny Mallinson in 1990 as part of a proposed oil pipeline environmental impact assessment, and has formed the basis for this...

2000 National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay Dorset, Maerl density and distribution dive quadrat survey

A qualitative pipe-dredge survey was undertaken by Ken Collins and Jenny Mallinson in 1990 as part of a proposed oil pipeline environmental impact assessment, and has formed the basis for this...

LANDMAP Geological Landscape

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales, allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

Bulk XRD (X-ray Diffraction) powder diffraction data of cobalt bearing raw materials used in the CoG3 NERC project (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 X-ray powder diffraction patterns as xy datasets of limonites from Acoje (Philippines), Caldag (Turkey), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piaui (Brazil) and Shevchenko (Kazakhstan)...

Functional and epiphytic biodiversity differences between nine tree species in the UK

The dataset contains information from 234 trees at six sites across the UK collected in 2018. The tree species studied were Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore), Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), Fagus...

Circumpolar boreal forest burnt area

Burnt areas are presented with a daily date of burn at 500m resolution for the circumpolar boreal forest zone. The dataset comprises eleven tiff files, one for each year: 2001 to 2011. The aim of...

2010 to Present EIFCA (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority) The Wash Intertidal Cockle Surveys

Intertidal cockle surveys are conducted annually in spring between the end of March and throughout April. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management of the Wash Fishery...

2010 to Present EIFCA (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority) The Wash Intertidal Cockle Surveys

Intertidal cockle surveys are conducted annually in spring between the end of March and throughout April. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management of the Wash Fishery...

LANDMAP Historic Landscape

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

NPCA State of the Nation Report 2023

The aim of the National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA) is to evaluate the patterns of care and outcomes for patients with prostate cancer in England and Wales, and to support services to improve the...

Molecular analysis of Glossina morsitans morsitans tsetse from Mambwe District, Zambia (2013)

This data set describes the prevalence of trypanosomes and Sodalis glossinidius, and host blood meal analysis from tsetse flies (Glossina morsitans morsitans) captured during two intensive surveys...

Economic and social science questionnaire dataset, Mambwe District, Zambia (2013)

This dataset contains the results of 211 household surveys conducted in Mambwe District, Zambia, as part of a wider study looking at human and animal trypanosomiasis and changing settlement...

River planform dynamics in the Beas and Sutlej catchments, India, 1847 and 1989-2018

The data was produced as part of a study to determine human impacts on river planform change within the context of short- and long-term river channel dynamics. To this end, the Himalayan...

Children in low income families

### About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a...