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Design quality of affordable housing from the Homes and Communities Agency / CABE study 2008

A survey of the design quality of 218 affordable housing schemes, funded by the Housing Corporation. The survey was carried out in 2008. Surveyed housing schemes were new build and funded in either...

Survival and reproductive success of migrant and resident wildlife in published studies of partially migratory populations

This is a dataset generated from information extracted from previously published studies, for the purpose of a meta-analysis investigating fitness benefits of different migratory strategies in...

Feasibility study into Quantum Technology-based Gravity Sensing for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

This study was carried out jointly by the University of Birmingham and the British Geological Survey. The report addresses the feasibility of using novel quantum-technology-based gravity sensors to...

MNCR Area Summaries - Sealochs in the Clyde Sea (2)

The sealochs of the Clyde Sea (MNCR Sector 12) have been studied as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review programme. The studies included field surveys of the shores and nearshore subtidal...

NI 174 - Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers

Skills gaps exist where employers report having employees who are not fully proficient at their job. The source of the data is the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS) commissioned by the LSC,...

Pensionable age DWP client group

The information in this dataset refers to numbers of Pensionable Age Benefit Claimants and is derived from a 100% data source; the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). The dataset provides...

Species point records from 1992 DWT Plym Estuary littoral survey

The first real noticeable outcome from observations of the estuary whilst sampling, is that a large percentage of the mud is made up of China Clay. This is present as a result of being emitted by...

Habitat point records from 1992 DWT Plym Estuary littoral survey

The first real noticeable outcome from observations of the estuary whilst sampling, is that a large percentage of the mud is made up of China Clay. This is present as a result of being emitted by...

A73-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Lynher Estuary SSSI 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Lynher Estuary SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a physical and biological...

MNCR Area Summaries - Sealochs in north-west Scotland

The sealochs of the Outer Hebrides (MNCR Sector 15), together with one sealoch in north Scotland (MNCR Sector 3), have been studied as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review programme....

Species point records from 1990-91 PML Tamar estuary littoral sediment survey

The study was carried out over two and a half years of the rates and processes of sediment-water exchange of nutrients and trace metals in samples taken from intertidal sites in the mid and lower...

Habitat point records from 1990-91 PML Tamar estuary littoral sediment survey

The study was carried out over two and a half years of the rates and processes of sediment-water exchange of nutrients and trace metals in samples taken from intertidal sites in the mid and lower...

Isles of Scilly subtidal biotope map

Study to map the extent of the subtidal sediment habitat around the Isles of Scilly from mean low water down to around the 50m depth contour, with most effort concentrated >30m. Acoustic mapping...

Species point records from 1985 AWA River Stour littoral survey

The survey was done as a pilot study for the future monitoring of the area in a three year rolling programme. A comparison was made with an earlier survey by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology...

Habitat point records from 1985 AWA River Stour littoral survey

The survey was done as a pilot study for the future monitoring of the area in a three year rolling programme. A comparison was made with an earlier survey by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology...

A74-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Tamar Tavy & St John's Lake SSSIs 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Tamar, Tavy & St John's Lake SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a...

2011 Natural England North West Region European Marine Sites Condition Monitoring of Littoral Features

A Natural England commissioned intertidal survey conducted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS). The aim of the survey was to provide a baseline dataset for future management and...

MMO1064 Sailing Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Sailing activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer...

MMO1064 Sailing Model Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Sailing activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer...

MMO1064 Sailing Model

This model output illustrates the potential for Sailing activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer...