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1,257 results found

Rollover Relief Shipping Survey

Database to record the balancing charge from the sale of a ship that a company has elected to roll over to offset against purchase of another ship. Updated: Biannually

Rollover Relief Shipping Survey

Database to record the balancing charge from the sale of a ship that a company has elected to roll over to offset against purchase of another ship. Updated: Biannually

National Diabetes Audit Report 1 Care Processes and Treatment Targets 2016-17

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) provides a comprehensive view of diabetes care in England and Wales and measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE...

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

Allerdale Smoke Control Orders Land Charge

Smoke Control Orders defined by the extent of a polygon as recorded as a Land Charge Smoke Control Areas defined under the Clean Air Acts and expressed as a Land Charge

Allerdale Demolition Revocation Order Land Charge

Revocation for Removal or closure or substitution of an existing Demolition Order. Recorded as a land Charge and expressed as a Polygon extent.

Allerdale General Vesting Declaration Land Charge

General Vesting Declaration recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Refers to the Acquisition of land by general vesting declaration under the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting...

Allerdale House Multiple Occupation Land Charge

House of Multiple Occupation recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. A House of Multiple Occupation is subject to certain controls given shared facilities.

Allerdale Environmentally Sensitive Area Land Charge

Environmentally Sensitive Areas recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent

Allerdale Tree Preservation Orders Land Charge

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) recorded as Land Charges for Allerdale Borough Council

Allerdale Special Area Conservation Land Charge

Special Areas of Conservation recorded as Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents.

Allerdale Revocation of Planning Permission Land Charge

Revocation of Planning Permission recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Advance Payments Notice Land Charge

Advance Payments Notices recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent

Allerdale Section 215 Agreements Land Charge

Section 215 Agreements recorded as Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents. Section 215 notices may be served by the local planning authority where it is considered that the condition of a...

Allerdale Section 38 Agreements Land Charge

Section 38 Agreements recorded as Land Charges and expressed as polygons. A Section 38 is a Highways adoption agreement recorded on behalf of Allerdale Borough Council by the Highway Authority -...

Allerdale Section 158 Agreements Land Charge

Section 158 Agreement expressed as a Land Charge and recorded as polygons. Registered under the Water Resources Act 1991 for water resource purposes.

Allerdale Section 106 Agreements Land Charge

Allerdale's section 106 Agreements containing the obligations setup under the registered Land Charge. Obligations captured from legal documents and expressed as polygons. Constitutes part of Part...

Allerdale Light Obstruction Notice Land Charge

Light Obstruction Notice recorded as a land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.